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Meetings and negotiations of the Minister of Agriculture in Rome


Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Aziz Voitov held a series of meetings and consultations with colleagues from other countries within the framework of the 43rd Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held in the capital of Italy.

Areas of cooperation between Uzbekistan and FAO


Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Aziz Voitov on the sidelines of the 43rd Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held in Rome, met with FAO Deputy Director-General, Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia Vladimir Rakhmanin.

The prospects for cooperation in the agricultural sector were considered

23.06.2023EconomicsSource: Ministry of Agriculture Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Today Minister of Agriculture Aziz Voitov met with representatives of the Australian Irrigation Canal Automation Consortium.

Business forum: new facets of cooperation in the agricultural sector

08.06.2023EconomicsSource: Ministry of Agriculture Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On the eve of the official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Italy, a business forum was organized in Rome with the participation of business circles of the two countries, during which cooperation in the fields of agriculture and the food industry took a special place.

"The Uzbek tomato is a brand. It is necessary to increase the production of such products"

28.04.2023EconomicsSource: Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The second Tashkent International Investment Forum held a roundtable discussion on "Quality Investments for Agriculture".