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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: modern bridges, good-quality roads serve the interests of people

2017-03-25 | Politics

The Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected a new bridge, which links the Yangi shahar and Bogishamol streets in Yunosobod district. 

The bridge that spans across Bozsu canal, will help unload the traffic in the Tashkent circle road and the Amir Temur prospect, save time and resources of drivers and passengers. 

The bridge with a length of 423 meters, height of 5,5 meters and width of 33 meters consists of eight lanes. It has been built in six months by the workers of the 67th bridge building division of the “Ko‘prik qurilish tresti” unitary enterprise under the “O‘zbekiston termir yo‘llari” JSC. 

There are paved pathways 2 meters wide along the sides of the bridge for the convenience of pedestrians. 

The President of our country, reviewing the works, carried out here, underscored that the new bridge will link transport arteries of Yunusobod and Mirzo Ulug‘bek districts and has an important significance for the whole metropolitan transport system. Previously, one had to travel 17-18 km to get from one district to another in a car. 

Thanks to wide-scale creative works, the quality and effectiveness of metropolitan roads are cardinally increasing, the Head of state said. The new bridge, alongside increasing capacity, creates many additional conveniences for the population. Construction of such modern structures in short periods demonstrate the accelerated development of our country, a high creative potential of our people.
