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President visits a housing estate, built on a renewed standard design

2017-02-24 | Politics

The Head of State inspected new houses, built on a renewed standard design in the Yakka-yog'och housing estate of the Nukrobod community in Karshi district. 

Affordable and comfortable houses, based on new designs, are under construction in all regions of our country to further increase the prosperity of population. The resolution of the President of the country «On programme of construction of affordable houses on renewed standard designs in rural areas for 2017-2021» on 21 October 2016 has elevated these efforts to a new level. 

In line with the resolution, three-room houses with a 200 sq meters land plot have been built in the Yakka-yog'och housing estate. The houses have 63,5 square meters of usable floor space and comprises two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a boiler room. 

Also, two-storey houses with 16 two and three-room apartments have been built here. The houses have been built considering the climate conditions of the region, particularities of the way of life of our people, in line with the sanitary and safety requirements. 

We all know well to what degree having an own house is important for a man, the President remarked. Therefore, the principles of justice and impartiality should be observed in allocating these houses. 

The instructions have been given to lower the price of houses through reducing the cost of construction materials, to connect houses to external engineering networks- water, electricity, gas supply systems, building internal roads, beautification of the housing estate. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev called on the new house of the family of Alisher Ahmedov, reviewed the created conditions for living, talked to the new house owners. The young family sincerely thanked the Head of state for the attention and care. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected the design of the greenhouse, which might be used by the residents of the houses, built on a renewed standard design in Mirmiron housing estate. 

25 ha greenhouse is built with local construction materials. Here it is possible to grow lemons, papaya, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower and other vegetables – in total for 3 billion soums annually. A part of the harvest will be sent to a domestic market and a part will be exported. 229 new jobs are expected to be created here, which will serve in raising the well-being of the population. 

The President of our country provided instructions on using modern technologies in constructing such greenhouses, attracting to work not only qualified specialists, but also recent college graduates.
