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Shavkat Mirziyoyev appraised new projects at the Shurtan Gas Chemical complex

2017-02-24 | Politics

The Head of State examined projects on “Production of liquid synthetic fuel on gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology from the separated methane of the Shurtan gas-chemical complex” and “Expansion of production capacity of the Shurtan gas-chemical complex”. 

The project “Production of liquid synthetic fuel on gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology from the separated methane of the Shurtan gas-chemical complex” reflects the most advanced technological solutions in gas-chemical industry in the world. This is one of biggest mega-projects in the CIS. 

Implementation of the project by Uzbekneftegaz company demonstrates rapid development of the sphere along with its huge significance in ensuring energy security of our country. 

The project envisages processing 3,6 billion cubic meters of natural gas and production of 1,5 million tons of quality synthetic fuel, i.e. 743 000 tons of diesel fuel, 311 000 tons of jet kerosene, 431 000 tons of naphtha and 21 000 tons of liquefied gas. 

The commissioning of the new plant will bring about reduction of foreign currency spending, development of real sectors of the economy, upsurge of the transit potential of our country, as well as meeting the demand for petroleum products and diminishing the oil imports. 

Construction and installation works are expected to be finished at the 2nd quarter of 2020 and 682 people will be employed at the plant. 

On the instructions of the Head of our state, the concept of the project ‘Expansion of production capacity of the Shurtan gas-chemical complex” has been revised and the issue of introducing synthetic naphtha to the production process was studied. After completion of the project, the plant’s polyethylene production capacity will increase from the current level of 125 000 tons/year to 450 000 tons/year, or by 3,6 times. As a result, wide opportunities for developing petrochemicals will arise. In the first phase, through processing the high-value synthetic naphtha, new types of polyethylene and polypropylene as well as distillation products will be manufactured. 

The opportunity to use distillation products in manufacturing new types of products will create a basis for establishing a technological cluster, and serve as a significant factor in development of chemical, automobile, pharmaceuticals, construction and textile industries. 

The project will be implemented in the existing territory of the plant and will not interfere with production processes of the complex. 

It should be underlined that the using the available intellectual and technological potential of the plant will lead to significant reduction of the production cost of the product and efficiency of investments. 

The construction and installation works will be concluded in the fourth quarter of 2020 and 250 new jobs will be created. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev provided instructions on financing these projects, which have a significant role in the economic development of our country, procuring the equipment on time, drafting a roadmap for construction works, timely commissioning of the enterprises and employing the population.

