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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Kashkadarya region

2017-02-24 | Politics

On 24 February President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Kashkadarya region to review the pace of creative and beautification works, social-economic reforms and a for a dialogue with people. 

Kashkadarya region has a huge economic potential. At present 70 per cent of the extracted natural gas, around 78 per cent of petroleum, 80 per cent of gas condensate, over 13 per cent of grain and over 14 per cent of cotton is accounted for this region. 

The region has a dynamic industry, which comprise 38 per cent of the gross regional product. Such large industrial enterprises as “Shurtan neftegaz”, “Muborak neftegaz”, Shurtan gas-chemical complex, Mubarek gas-processing plant, Dehkanabad potash fertilizers plant, Talimarjan thermal power station, “Hisor neftegaz” are locomotives of the domestic industry. 

Small business and private entrepreneurship is also dynamically developing. At present 51,6 per cent of gross regional product is manufactured by them. Over 80 per cent of total workforce work in this sector. 

Rich crops are harvested in the agricultural sphere, where structural reforms are underway. In the last five years, cotton fields have been reduced by 3200 ha, where potatoes, vegetables and melons are being cultivated. In the last three years, over 22 per cent of farming units have been transformed to diversified units. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his pre-election manifesto, outlined big goals and tasks on steady continuation of these activities, to elevate the development of Kashkadarya region to a new level along with other regions of the country. The President of Uzbekistan is expected to review the pace of implementation of the plans and tasks, ongoing creative works and prospective projects during the tour of Kashkadarya region.
