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Uzbekistan – USA trade forum takes place in Tashkent

2017-02-02 | Economics

A scheduled forum of the American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce has taken place at the international cooperation centre of the capital city Tashkent.

The forum was attended by officials of relevant ministries and departments and managers of companies in such spheres of the two countries as external economic relations, banking and finance, oil and gas, machine building, commerce and industry, transport and supply lines, logistics, geology and mineral resources, metals, chemicals, food production, tourism, agriculture, water management, electronics, high technology, education and information technology. 

Elyor Ghaniyev, the minister of external economic relations, investments and trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, emphasized that Uzbekistan’s relations with the USA were developing consistently in all the areas, including commerce and industry and that this forum would serve to make use of new possibilities of the bilateral cooperation. 

Uzbekistan’s economy and privileges created for foreign investment draw the attention of the most developed states today. Specifically, this country’s cooperation with the USA is developing steadily. 

Trade between the two countries is increasing with every passing year. In the year 2016, the bilateral trade amounted to 454 million dollars. There are Uzbek-American joint ventures working in Uzbekistan. US firms and companies opened representative offices in this country. They specialize in such spheres as car manufacturing, petro-chemical, textile and light industries, food production, construction materials and services. 

Trade-economic and investment cooperation is of priority importance in the bilateral relations. Many American companies such as Coca-Cola International, General Electric and Honeywell are implementing big investment projects in Uzbekistan. 

In Uzbekistan, a favourable climate has been created for foreign investment, as have wide possibilities and privileges, which are important factors. 

The American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce has an important role in the extension of mutually advantageous trade-economic relations between Uzbekistan and the USA. This chamber, which was founded in 1993, is an independent organization that promotes trade and investment relations between the two countries. 

Carolyn Lamm, chairperson of the board of the American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, said specifically that macroeconomic stability and high GDP growth rates were ensured in Uzbekistan. 

“The bilateral cooperation with Uzbekistan serves the interests of the peoples of our countries. The stable situation in Uzbekistan, its great macroeconomic indicators and highly qualified personnel further increase its foreign investment attractiveness and investment opportunities. This forum’s results serve to further strengthen the active and forward-looking bilateral cooperation,” Carolyn Lamm said. 

During the forum, there was a detailed exchange of views on the current state of and prospects for trade-economic relations between Uzbekistan and the USA and on the development of a wide range of areas of cooperation. Specifically, there was discussion about the development of cooperation in attracting US investment and technologies for investment projects in such areas as oil and gas, the chemical sphere, car manufacturing, aircraft servicing, energy and energy efficiency, pharmaceuticals production, electro-technics, food production, and on the establishment of joint ventures for the production of goods for which there is demand on domestic and external markets. 

American businessmen highly evaluated the results of economic reforms being implemented in this country. It was said that Uzbekistan’s achievement of high economic growth rates and the growing number and scope of free economic zones in this country were further increasing the country’s foreign investment attractiveness. 

Representatives of more than 30 big American companies attended the forum, which indicates that the USA is very much interested in the development of cooperation with Uzbekistan. 

The US delegation also held talks at various ministries and departments on stepping up trade-economic and investment cooperation. 
