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Voters’ legal culture to be raised further

2016-10-07 | Elections

On 7 October this year, a scheduled session of the Central Electoral Commission took place at the republican press centre for coverage of the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The session was attended by representatives of the district electoral commissions, political parties taking part in the elections and mass media.

The session conducted by the chairman of the Central Electoral Commission, M.Abdusalomov, looked at issues relating to preparations for the elections. During the session held in the form of a video conference, there was discussion about a programme of events to be held for raising voters’ legal culture in this pre-election period. The programme was worked out on the basis of proposals from public organizations, mass media and other institutions of civil society. 

The programme envisages the further raising of public awareness about the national electoral system created in the years of independence, the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, changes and addenda made to it in recent years, the essence of the Central Electoral Commission’s resolutions regulating election-related issues and voters’ rights and freedoms enshrined in laws. 

Events envisaged in the programme are for wide sections of the population, specifically women and girls, young people going to vote for the first time, veterans, people with disabilities, military servicemen, citizens’ self-governing bodies, workers, representatives of educational institutions as well as compatriots abroad. 

The Kamolot public youth movement, the Women’s Committee, the Mahalla public charity foundation, the republican international cultural centre and other institutions of civil society in cooperation with bodies of state administration and government are to conduct the following campaigns: “My vote - my Motherland’s future”, “I will vote personally”, “We have the right to choose”, “Are you on the electoral register?” and “In a single family”, which are directed towards further raising voters’ legal culture and electoral activeness. 

Campaign events are to be held in the form of round-table conversations, training seminars, direct dialogue and conferences as well as announcements, radio and television programmes and articles on mass media and flyers and other campaign adverts. 

At the session, the chairmen of Samarqand district electoral commission No 7, Surkhondaryo district electoral commission No 9 and Farghona district electoral commission No 11 read out reports on election-related work in territories. 

To date, 9 thousand 376 electoral precincts have been formed, including polling stations abroad. District electoral commissions have began working on the composition of precinct electoral commissions. 

During the event, other issues within the remit of the Central Electoral Commission were also discussed, and appropriate resolutions were adopted on the discussed issues. 

Source: UzA
