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Low bow to dear teachers

2016-09-30 | Education

The First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, considered selfless teachers and mentors his best aides in raising the morality of the younger generation and in bringing up young people to be worthy of their great ancestors. In the years of independence, the role and responsibility of teachers rose significantly in bringing up the younger generation with a new way of thinking to be well in every respect.

At various cultural enlightenment events, round-table conversations and scientific conferences held on the occasion of 1 October – Day of Teachers and Mentors, the roles of teachers and mentors in bringing up young people in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland and ideas of independence were especially emphasized. 

On 30 September, a group of veterans of the education sphere, active and young teachers laid flowers at the Monument of Independence and Humaneness, which is a symbol of the Uzbek nation’s freedom, bright future and noble aspirations. 

On the same day, a ceremonial event devoted to Day of Teachers and Mentors took place in the Uzbek national academic drama theatre. The event was attended by senators, MPs, employees of the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Culture and Sport, heroes of Uzbekistan, teachers of higher education institutions, academic lyceums and vocational colleges and sport trainers. 

A congratulatory message from Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to teachers and mentors of Uzbekistan was read out by presidential state advisor H.Sultanov. 

On the initiative of the country’s First President Islam Karimov, from the very first days of independence, issues of bringing up the younger generation capable of independent thought, well educated and with high morality were raised to the level of state policy. 

A number of decrees and resolutions as well as norm-setting legal documents adopted in the past years made it possible to raise the salaries of teachers of general education schools many times and to create broad possibilities for introducing advanced teaching and information communication technologies in educational processes. 

Projects and various creative and enlightenment contests being implemented by the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan help to widely spread innovative ideas and initiatives relating to encouraging progress in studies as well as advanced experience of teaching young people. Thanks to the conducting of such contests as “the best subject teacher of the year”, “the best school principal of the year”, “the best psychologist of the year”, “the best methodologist of the year”, “the best morality promoter of the year” and “the best deputy school principal for spiritual enlightenment work of the year”, a comprehensive analysis and study of the best teachers’ work is conducted and their advanced experience is popularized widely, thus improving the educational content. 

As part of the Year of Maternal and Child Health state programme, work on training highly qualified teachers, trainers and mentors and on providing them with educational-methodological books is being improved. As a result, thousands of Uzbek boys and girls have achieved success in science Olympiads, international creative contests and festivals. 

In accordance with a decree dated 29 September 2016 of Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a group of distinguished workers of the education sphere were given titles of honour and awarded medals of merit of the country. 

During the event, an award ceremony for the winners and runners-up of the contest “the best subject teacher of the year 2016” conducted by the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place. 

A hero of Uzbekistan, a mathematics teacher of special secondary general education boarding school No 2 in the town of Karshi, M.Sharapova, and a student of the Mirzo Ulughbek National University of Uzbekistan, holder of gold medals of international mathematics student Olympiads in Bulgaria and Cyprus, H.Egamberganov, expressed gratitude to the state for the conditions created for getting education, the high attention to teachers and mentors and the decent evaluation of their work. A people’s poet of Uzbekistan, S.Sayyid, congratulated teachers and mentors on their holiday and read out new poems devoted to them. 
