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Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulates teachers and mentors on a holiday

2016-09-30 | Politics

On the 1st October Uzbekistan celebrates the Teacher's Day. The representatives of this special profession received congratulations from the Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. He wished them health, happiness, good luck and success in their work:

Dear teachers and mentors!

Sincerely, with all my heart I congratulate you, the representatives of the most noble and honorable profession in the world, with today's remarkable holiday - the Day of teachers and mentors, and wish you all the best.

We all remember that 19 years ago on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the founder of our independent state Islam Karimov, this date was declared the national holiday as the expression of a high respect for your selfless work.

The Head of State, who thought that the creation of a healthy and harmoniously developed generation is essential for building a great future of Uzbekistan, and who expressed you great trust and honor as his closest associates, for all of us was a caring and strict teacher.

Islam Karimov for us is the clearest example of how to live with a sense of great love and devotion to the Motherland, selflessly serve the people, give it all the strength, knowledge and experience.

The current and future generations will always remember with deep gratitude the outstanding historical merits of the First President of Uzbekistan, which laid the foundations of the modern system of education and training as an integral part of our way of strategic development - recognized by the international community "Uzbek model" of reforms. He raised this issue at the level of priority of state policy, clearly defined the direction of development of the sphere and he was always caringly saying: "Children of all Uzbekistan are my dear children".

The most important task, as well as a sacred duty for all of us is to continue radical reforms in education and training spheres based on noble ideas and precepts,  the work aimed at framing a new formation staff that can take responsibility for the fate and future of the country. On this way we primarily rely on you, dear teachers and mentors, on your knowledge and skills, experience and professionalism.

Dear friends!

Our community, our people are well aware of and appreciate your truly great contribution to strengthening love and devotion to the Motherland in the hearts and minds of our young people, defending them from various threats and challenges, education of the younger generation as physically healthy and spiritually mature persons.

However, we are all well aware that today we face an even more important and urgent task. In order to implement tasks such as further strengthening the material-technical base of the sphere of science and education, ensure their compliance with the requirements not only of today, but also tomorrow, the widespread use of advanced methods of training and retraining of teachers, including in cooperation with well-known foreign centers, introduction of modern technologies, in short, for the formation of harmoniously developed new generation that enters into life as a decisive force, our state and society are mobilizing all available means and resources.

Dear teachers and mentors!

Once again I congratulate you on your professional holiday, I wish you all health, happiness, good luck and success in your honorable and responsible work.
