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ICTWEEK Uzbekistan kicks off in Tashkent

2016-09-20 | Tech

A Week of Information-Communication Technologies ICTWEEK Uzbekistan-2016 kicked off in Uzbekistan. It includes several events, directed towards enhancing international cooperation, demonstration of modern ICT prospects and further development of e-government system.

The Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the issues of information and communication technologies, Coordinating council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on developing computerization and information-communication technologies, Ministry of ICT development and several partner organizations. 

In the years of independence institutional foundations for the expansion of the use of ICT in the activity of state bodies have been laid, solutions in the field of inter-agency information sharing through ICT have been implemented, public access to information about the activities of public authorities have been provided under the leadership of President Islam Karimov in Uzbekistan. The adoption of the Comprehensive Program on development of the national information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2013-2020, approved by the resolution "On measures for further development of national information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan", signed by the First President of our country Islam Karimov on 27 June 2013, promote development of information resources and the sphere in general. 

ICTWEEK Uzbekistan, traditionally held since 2004, is of interest for both specialists and the many users of information technologies. 

Within its framework, Annual ICTSUMMIT-2016 will be held in Tashkent on 20 September, which annually gathers participants from Uzbekistan and abroad to sum up development of information technologies and communications in 2016, discussing strategic tasks of the industry. 

Exhibition of information-communication technologies ICTEXPO 2016 will be held in Tashkent and Namangan from 21 to 23 September. 

The exhibition is aimed at showing achievements of national information technologies and communications. 

ICTFORUM attracts representatives of IT companies, experts and specialists. It is expected that over 800 people and 70 speakers will attend the event this year. 

The participants will discuss e-Government, digital economy, information security, startups, development of content, problems of internet advertisement, etc. 

The Week will also include such events as Best Soft Challenge, Cyber Security Challenge Uzbekistan, Intellect2All and others.
