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27 sport facilities built in Farghona Region this year

2016-09-06 | Sport

The Uzbekistan Children’s Sport Development Foundation has built 27 sports facilities and 1 children’s school of music and art in Farghona Region, in the east of the country, so far this year.

Attention being paid in the country to developing children’s sport and to ensuring its popularization serves for children’s healthy and harmonious development and for the strengthening of their feelings of love for the Motherland, devotion to ideas of independence and national pride. 

In 2003-20015 the Uzbekistan Children’s Sport Development Foundation built 160 sport facilities and 28 children’s schools of music and art in the region. Existing facilities were reconstructed completely. More than 120 billion soms of funds were allocated for these purposes. 

“In building sport facilities in the region on the basis of a specific programme, local conditions and local youths’ interests and opportunities are taken into account, which is of important significance to the development of popular sports and to the expansion of the scope for sports competitions. As a result, the ranks of our young sportsmen achieving great results in international competitions are growing,” says Gh.Mamajonov, director of the Farghona Regional branch of the Children’s Sport Development Foundation. 

Special attention is being paid at educational establishments to organizing the meaningful use of pupils’ free time, creating all the necessary conditions for regularly engaging in sport and attracting them to various sports competitions. At general education school No 14 in Uchkoprik District, a modern sport facility has been built and has been handed over to young students. 

“This new gym, which has all the necessary conveniences, has been provided with 37 types of modern sport equipment,” says Odinakhon Rozmatova, headmaster of the school.

Source: UzA
