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The laying of flowers at the monument of Independence and humaneness

2016-08-31 | Society

The people of Uzbekistan with high spirits and special pride are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Motherland.

This year, the greatest and dearest holiday is being celebrated throughout the country under the slogan of “My life, my destiny – my sacred homeland, my beautiful and unique Uzbekistan”. 

On 31st August, a festive ceremony of laying flowers at the monument of Independence and humaneness in Tashkent took place on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence. This monument is a symbol of the Uzbek people’s freedom, bright future and noble aspiration. 

As a military orchestra played music, flowers were laid at the monument on behalf of the Apparatus of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Senate and Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ministries and departments. 

Independence, peace and development. These great concepts are always interconnected. This truth is confirmed once more these days when the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence is being celebrated widely. The country’s independence was the Uzbek people’s historic victory. 

As a result of large-scale construction and improvement work implemented under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, the Independence Square represents a single architectural ensemble. 

That changed not only its appearance but also its significance. Today the grandeur of the Independence Square is delightful. Numerous flower gardens and green areas are pleasing to the eye. Day and night, fountains’ streams interflow in sunlight and as illuminated by bright street lamps. All this creates an atmosphere of high spirits in the square. Everyone coming here has an even deeper understanding of how important peace and calm are for people and the entire country. 

At the initiative of the head of state, this Happy Mother grand statue was put up near the monument of Independence and humaneness on 28 December 2005. The image of the Happy Mother softly holding a child to her bosom and looking lovingly at it embodies happy and carefree childhood and a harmoniously developed generation for mothers. This statue symbolizes limitless respect for women in the country, where a democratic law-governed state and free civil society have been formed and where human rights and interests are of priority. 

“Every time I visit the Independence Square, I feel a special emotion. We can really be proud of successes and milestones being reached thanks to attention being given to the younger generation by the head of our state. Uzbekistan’s younger generation have a feeling of responsibility for the Motherland’s future. They also have a noble aspiration to make a worthy contribution to the country’s further development and prosperity,” says the chairman of the Tashkent city council of the Kamolot public youth movement, Akmal Jumaboyev. 

The more successes they achieve the better their life becomes and the higher are the nation’s potential and culture. And a nation that has a high level of culture and potential can reach higher milestones. During the years of independence, the awareness and way of thinking of the Uzbek people changed completely. Today the people have good and peaceful living conditions and are at a high level of development. All this is the practical realization of the goal which they set themselves in the years of independence that “We have never been, never are and will never be second to anyone”. 

Years will pass, and there will be changes of generations. Independence Day that symbolizes the realization of the centuries-old dream of Uzbek people’s ancestors, the Motherland’s freedom and prosperity, its prospects and limitless possibilities will forever remain in the history of Uzbekistan as the greatest day. 

On 1st September, festive ceremonies and celebrations will take place in all the districts of Tashkent and all over the country. 

