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Investment cooperation with the Republic of Korea in the field of ecology was discussed

2023-01-28 | Ecology

The Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade hosted a meeting with Vice Minister of Environment of the Republic of Korea Yoo Je-Chul to discuss prospects for expanding bilateral cooperation in the ecological sphere.

In particular, the implementation status of projects for construction of sanitary landfills and transshipment stations in the Jizzakh region and organisation of electricity production through conversion of landfill gas generated from household waste in Akhangaran and Maydontol was considered. The parties expressed mutual readiness to provide comprehensive assistance to the successful and timely execution of projects.

Successful cooperation was noted in the framework of projects aimed at improving environmental well-being in the Aral Sea region together with the Korean Agency for International Cooperation (KOICA) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

For reference: The projects envisage the restoration of the agrarian economy of Karakalpakstan by developing climate-resistant agribusiness, reducing the risk of natural disasters and improving food security.

Following the meeting, an agreement was reached to continue the bilateral dialogue aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change and ensuring the efficient use of energy, water and land resources by switching to renewable energy sources.

Source: Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
