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Shavkat Mirziyoyev chairs a meeting on the reforms in public education

2022-04-06 | Politics

On April 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on analyzing the effectiveness of reforms in public education.

The development of human capital is one of the seven priorities of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan. At the meeting held on 28 January this year, issues in this area were discussed and many tasks were identified.

Over the past two months, responsible persons have studied the problems in all regions. It was revealed that 852 schools in the country have extremely low indicators of the quality of education, the potential of teachers and the admission of graduates to universities.

Advanced techniques have been introduced in Presidential, specialized and private schools. But the biggest problem with the other schools is that the teaching methods are outdated. There are also no initiatives to introduce modern teaching methods in them.

Despite the allocation of funds for equipping schools with computers, work in Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Namangan and Tashkent regions is slow. The quality of education in schools in remote areas is unsatisfactory.

As is known, at the beginning of the year, councils were formed to reform school education. Hokims of regions, districts and cities are chairmen of local councils. Therefore, hokims of regions with a low level of education received a warning.

The Head of the state announced the launching of a nationwide project to retrain school teachers based on new methods.

According to this new system, in the next 3-4 years, all teachers in schools will be trained based on the new methodology. To this end, National Training Centers will be established based on the advanced training centers in each region to train teachers in new methods. The most qualified foreign specialists in the field of exact and natural sciences will be involved.

A group of trainers will be formed in each region to improve the skills of local school teachers. They will be paid salary allowances of up to 100 percent.

By the end of the year, hokimiyats together with the Ministry of Public Education will begin implementing advanced techniques in at least 20 percent of schools in each district and city. An additional $100 million will be allocated for the implementation of this new system.

Abdulla Avloni Institute will also be reorganized into the Republican National Center of Education and merged into a single system with Tashkent State Pedagogical University.

In general, the system of teaching new methods will begin with the National Center of Education and Tashkent State Pedagogical University. The University will be transferred to the Ministry of Public Education and will become the basic institution for training and retraining school teachers in the country.

Pedagogical institutes operating in the regions will gradually be separated from universities and turned into independent educational institutions.

At the meeting, the main attention was paid to the education of young people. The task was set to develop a new concept of radically improving the spiritual situation in schools.

The need to revise the requirements for propagandists of spirituality in schools, the appointment to this position of persons enjoying high authority in mahalla and collective, the encouragement of exemplary students and parents, were noted.

Today, 120 schools in the country operate on the third and fourth coefficients. That is, the number of students far exceeds the capacity. The President gave instructions to improve conditions in such schools.

It was noted that by the beginning of the next academic year, 960 schools will be provided with computer classes, and 740 will be re-equipped.

It is planned to adopt a separate program to update more than 5 thousand computer classes. 200 billion UZS will be allocated from the republican budget for this, and another 200 billion UZS from local budgets.

The Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications has been tasked with opening special preferential tariffs for schools, increasing the Internet speed in schools to 100 Megabits per second, depending on the number of students.

Both education and the situation in the school largely depend on the directors. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a system of certification for school principals from the new academic year. From now on, candidates for the post of director will be selected through this system.

The Head of the state noted the need for developing the teaching of natural and exact sciences. Based on 193 education institutions, it is planned to organize schools with a focus on natural and exact sciences. Hokims were instructed to repair these schools and create all conditions.

Ministers and hokims, school principals expressed their opinions and suggestions.

Source: UzA
