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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Each mahalla should have an economic, social and enlightenment center

2022-01-31 | Politics

On January 30, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of projects in the spheres of youth, sports, healthcare and the electric power industry.

At the videoconference on the development of school education on January 28, the Head of the state gave several instructions on the meaningful organization of youth leisure and popularization of sports among them. Relevant projects were presented during today’s presentation.

Responsible persons reported on the results of the study of conditions in mahallas and schools carried out on behalf of the authorities. It was noted that 763 out of 9309 mahallas across the country do not have sports facilities, and there are no libraries in more than 6 thousand mahallas. More than 2,000 out of 10,130 schools do not have gyms, and 22 schools do not have libraries.

3 types of project proposals have been developed for the construction of sports facilities and libraries in schools and mahallas. The first involves the installation of bookshelves and sports equipment, the second – the construction of outdoor sports fields and the third – the construction of indoor sports facilities.

The Head of the state did not approve these projects and gave recommendations for their revision.

– Imagine: what do ordinary people in the villages need, what do young people need? What do the children play in the evening? Where do adults gather and talk? We need to think about it to make the project, taking into account the wishes of the people. For example, the mahalla has a school and a stadium. Next to them, we can create a field for playing mini-football, basketball, table tennis, a place to play chess. Everything we need for this is manufactured in our country.

Secondly, in these places, it is possible to build a library, a computer room, a dining room, a bathhouse. In the future, it is possible to place medical stations. In general, services will be developed, and people will be satisfied. Each mahalla should have such an economic, social and enlightenment center in which life should be in full swing, – Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The task was set to improve the project, taking into account the comments, to organize mahalla centers based on public-private partnership. At the same time, entrepreneurs will be provided with benefits in exchange for social obligations. Certain hours per day will be free for local youth. Thus, the entrepreneur will be able to generate income, and the objects will be used efficiently.

Projects to increase school enrollment were also considered.

As is known, in the next five years it is necessary to create 1.2 million student places in Uzbekistan. Therefore, the Head of the state instructed to build new schools and increase the capacity of existing ones. Based on this, projects of schools for 330, 660, 990, 1320 and 1650 places have been prepared. They provide for the construction of additional buildings, multifunctional halls, bathrooms, modern laboratories, interactive whiteboards and comfortable seats.

The Head of the state noted the need for studying with experts the condition of the foundations and walls of each school.

“Why am I saying this? Where possible, existing schools should be expanded. Because both children and teachers are accustomed to their place. There may not be another free land in the center of the mahalla. If you build on the edge, you will need transport, it will be difficult for children to get there. Therefore, it is advisable to build an additional floor or a new building in the school itself”, the President said.

It was instructed to individually approach each school, taking into account its condition and the demographics of the settlement, to calculate exactly where to erect the building and how many floors it will consist of.

Last year, Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted several times with the construction project of the Oncological Medical Center. Today, information was presented on the work carried out in this direction.

The central building of the center will have 10 floors and 650 beds. It will have 16 surgery rooms, an intensive care unit for 45 beds, treatment and diagnostic departments. There are also plans for a hospital to receive 100 people a day. The preparation of the building foundation has begun.

The Head of the state instructed to equip the center with modern equipment, including the effective use of foreign investment, and improve the skills of personnel.

Measures to expand the capacity of the power supply system were also discussed.

On January 25 this year, a technical failure occurred in the regional energy system. This affected all power plants and created an emergency.

Many reasons are leading to this. In particular, the unified energy system is not completely looped by trunk lines with a capacity of 200-500 kilowatts. In the main part of the North-Western and South-Western nodes, there are no networks with a capacity of 500 kilowatts. Some highways pass through the territory of neighboring states.

Therefore, in Uzbekistan, it is planned to create a single ring system through the construction of networks with a capacity of 500-750 kilowatts. In particular, by 2026 it is planned to increase the total generating capacity to 27,400 megawatts and annual output to 110 billion kilowatt-hours. Then all regions of the country will be firmly connected by networks of 500-750 kilowatts with the creation of a single system.

The President noted the need for reforming the power industry system, continuing and developing interaction with neighboring countries. It was instructed to prepare a draft resolution on increasing power generating capacities and automating power supply. The main goal is to increase the stability of the energy system and the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the population.

Source: UzA
