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Provided recommendations and proposals for the development of ICT and Information security

2021-12-21 | Tech

On December 21 of this year, the Goskomstat hosted a webinar by the Departments for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Interactive Government Services, as well as Information Security. It was also attended by employees of territorial departments of statistics.

The webinar spoke about the content and implementation of the Resolution of the Head of State “On measures to further improve and develop the National System of Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

In the process of answering questions, employees of territorial statistical offices presented their proposals for the development of information security and ICT in the system.

In particular, the parties exchanged views on the implementation of information security in territorial departments, using the latest ICT in the field and improving the qualifications of personnel.

At the end of the event, the advantages and disadvantages in the field of information security and ICT were discussed, suggestions and recommendations for increasing productivity in the process of work were provided.

Source: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
