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President arrives in Istanbul

2021-11-12 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in the city of Istanbul to participate in the events of the next summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.

Turkish officials met the President of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is carrying out a deeply thought-out, comprehensively balanced foreign policy focused on the interests of the people. Interaction with all partner countries and international structures is enhancing.

Among them is the Turkic Council. The structure was formed in 2009. Uzbekistan joined it in 2019. The main goal of the council is to strengthen ties between the Turkic-speaking countries, develop cooperation in trade, economic, transport, energy, tourism, cultural and humanitarian spheres, coordinate efforts to strengthen peace and security.

The organization, which is based on the commonality of languages ​​and spiritual values, close historical and cultural ties of the participating countries, is becoming an effective mechanism for regional cooperation. Uzbekistan’s accession to it increased the authority and expanded the potential of the Council. The initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev have filled multilateral cooperation with new practical content. In a short time, the President of Uzbekistan put forward more than 20 proposals.

In particular, in October 2019, a meeting of the Business Council of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States and the Investment Forum was held in Tashkent. In 2020, the city of Khiva was declared the Cultural Capital of the Turkic world. The Forum of Young Entrepreneurs was established and its first meeting was held in Uzbekistan in September 2021. A meeting of the Council of Ministers for Youth and Sports was also held.

The digitalization of procedures in transport and customs, which are under the constant attention of the President of Uzbekistan, is actively continuing. Thus, in Uzbekistan, relevant pilot projects have been launched, implemented jointly with Turkey and Kazakhstan. Domestic logistics centers in Tashkent, Andijan and Termez joined the Twin Ports mechanism of the Turkic Council.

The proposals put forward by the President of Uzbekistan regarding overcoming the coronavirus pandemic remain relevant. A special coordination group of member countries of the Council on Combating Coronavirus has been established. A permanent system of joint monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the epidemiological situation has been established.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev pays special attention to the development of tourism between partners in the Turkic Council, his initiatives in this direction are being implemented. In June this year, a meeting of the ministers of tourism of the Turkic Council member states was held in Kokand and the city was declared the Tourist Capital of the Turkic world in 2022. A start has been given to the implementation of the “Tabarruk Ziyorat” project to organize a pilgrimage to sacred places located in the territories of the countries of the Turkic Council.

International scientific conferences dedicated to the legacy of Makhmud Kashgari, Yusuf Khos Khojib, Alisher Navoi, Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi were held.

Another good initiative of the President of Uzbekistan was the establishment of an international award named after Alisher Navoi, a favorite poet of all Turkic peoples. The prize will be awarded to persons who have made a great contribution to the development of science, education, culture and art in the Turkic-speaking countries.

It is expected that at the current summit, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will come up with important initiatives.

The main events of the summit are scheduled for November 12. The President of Uzbekistan will hold several bilateral meetings.

Source: UzA
