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The situation in the healthcare system critically analyzed

2021-11-10 | Healthcare

On November 9, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on improving the system of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The principle of “In the name of human honor and dignity”, which is the main criterion in the new development strategy of Uzbekistan, provides for the creation of decent living conditions and modern infrastructure for every citizen. This also applies to access to qualified medical care.

The relevant plans announced by Shavkat Mirziyoyev at pre-election meetings with voters started being implemented. Today's meeting focuses on the development of primary medicine, early detection of the most common and deadly diseases, targeted screening measures.

Shortcomings in the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Health in these areas have been criticized.

“The health of our people is our wealth, the value of which cannot be measured by anything”, the President said. – Therefore, we have set ourselves big goals to turn medicine into a system that meets the requirements of the people. To this end, we will double the allocation for primary care and adopt a separate program for the prevention of the most common diseases.

The upcoming tasks in cardiology were considered.

The analysis shows that 53 percent of deaths among the population aged 30-70 years are associated with cardiovascular diseases. Over the past five years, the incidence of them has increased by 20 percent – even among young people. In general, about 4 million people are diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, which is 12 percent of the total population.

Therefore, it is planned to introduce a new system of prevention, early detection and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases. So, starting next year, the entire population over the age of 40 will undergo targeted screening at least once a year through family polyclinics and medical teams, district laboratories will be provided with coagulometers and the necessary reagents. It is planned to introduce a unified electronic register of patients with cardiovascular diseases, free distribution of medicines to those in need.

Next year it is planned to allocate 350 million UZS for each district, a total of 70 billion UZS for these purposes. In general, it is planned to allocate 580 billion UZS to provide primary care with medicines and medical supplies. This is 3 times more than in the current year.

The President stressed the importance of additional training of family doctors and nurses in the early detection and treatment of heart diseases.

By January 1 next year, a list of diseases to be treated at the district, regional and republican levels will be compiled, and planned medical work will be organized on its basis. District hospitals will be equipped with 4 types of cardiological equipment. As a result, the range of services provided will expand from 5 to 15.

The regional branches of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Cardiology will provide 35 types of services instead of the current 15. In particular, it is planned to additionally equip the Khorezm regional branch and organize all types of surgical operations in it. The Head of the state noted the need for the gradual introduction of this practice in hospitals in other regions and Karakalpakstan, as well as the expansion of coverage of specialized cardiac services in the regions.

A critical assessment of the activities of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Cardiology was given at the meeting. It was instructed to create new laboratories in such areas as preventive cardiology and radiation diagnostics, as well as to organize advanced training of doctors in leading clinics abroad. The task was set to transform this center into a multidisciplinary one.

As is known, an incorrect lifestyle is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases. Leading a healthy lifestyle and physically active people have a low risk of such diseases, which has been proven by international scientific organizations. The Head of the State stressed the importance of wider promotion of the benefits of walking, proper nutrition and exercise, turning the principles of a healthy life into a daily norm.

The Healthy Lifestyle platform also serves these goals. To date, 600 thousand people are using it, to whom 18 billion UZS have been paid. The Ministry of Finance has been instructed to allocate 60 billion UZS next year to expand the coverage of the platform.

The execution of the previously given instructions was also considered at the meeting.

It was determined that for targeted work with young people, the position of assistants to the hokim of the region – the leader of youth will be introduced in each mahalla. They will promote problem-solving, vocational training and employment, and meaningful leisure activities for young people.

The course of implementation of the national project “Yashil Makon” was considered. Hokims and heads of relevant organizations reported on the progress of planting trees and seedlings.

Source: UzA
