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Iftikhor Mahalla becomes the pride of Chirchiq

2021-10-18 | Society

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during his previous visit to the city of Chirchiq on March 18 this year, got acquainted with the state of affairs in Iftikhor mahalla, talked with people about local problems and gave instructions on how to solve them.

After that, the mahalla was completely transformed. Utilities and the appearance of 16 multi-storey buildings were renewed. Children’s and sports grounds, parking lots appeared in front of the houses. The roads are covered with asphalt, street lighting is installed. The territory is landscaped. A new citizens’ assembly of mahalla and a library have been built.

The President walked around the mahalla, got acquainted with the creative work.

The overhaul was also carried out in a kindergarten for 300 children and a secondary school for 1250 children. The President visited this school. “We will create all conditions for you to acquire modern knowledge and grow up as worthy heirs of New Uzbekistan tomorrow. I strive to ensure that you study well, grow up healthy. Indeed, education, knowledge is our future”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in an interview with students.

The Head of the state talked with the activists of the mahalla, representatives of the older generation. “We visit many cities, remote villages. We try to make people happy. And in Chirchiq, residents experienced problems, began to lose hope. Now, seeing these changes, people believe in transformations, in the fact that there are no unsolvable problems. Houses are being built, water supply and heating are improving, gardens are being created. And this work will continue. We must turn Chirchiq into an exemplary city that will be envied”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

More than 2.6 thousand people live in Iftikhor mahalla. Today 39 multi-storey buildings with 2.5 thousand apartments with all conveniences are being built here. At the next stage, another 56 modern houses will be built for 3.5 thousand families.

In the territory adjacent to the mahalla, 50 two-storey cottages are being built. The President visited the construction site and got acquainted with the progress of activities.

Source: UzA
