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International forum on strategic and priority directions for Uzbekistan’s transition to a Green Economy at scale took place in Tashkent

2021-03-04 | Economics

4 March 2021, TASHKENT – The online international forum ‘Building Forward Better: A COVID-19 Green Recovery for Uzbekistan’ took place in Tashkent on 3-4 March.

This forum was hosted by the Government of Uzbekistan, particularly the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, the Centre for Hydrometerological Services under the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the EU delegation, and United Nations Development Programme.

The main purpose of this forum attended by national and international experts was to determine ways by which government, business, and society can come together and create new policies and incentives for transition to a green economy at scale.

The international forum had three objectives. Firstly, to contextualize what it means for Uzbekistan to build forward better with a focus on green recovery and bringing together all stakeholders. Secondly, to allow for discussion on how policies for renewables, energy efficiency, climate change mitigation and others comprising Uzbekistan’s transition to a green economy can rebuild a better and more resilient society and economy, reducing pressures on natural resources and the environment. Lastly, to formulate a set of recommendations and practical actions to support the Government of Uzbekistan through green economic recovery, both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the Forum, the findings of the Policy Brief "Green Recovery and the Transition to Green Economy in Uzbekistan" were presented. This brief outlines priorities for development across sectors including energy, construction, water, agriculture and green financing, all of which have strategic importance in promoting the green development of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan’s work to develop a green economy was put in motion ahead of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly through the adoption of the ‘Strategy for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a green economy in the period of 2019-2030’ in October 2019. This strategy sets targets to reduce national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by increasing energy efficiency, enhancing the use of renewable energy, improving resource efficiency and crop yields, and limiting land degradation.

Although the implementation of this national strategy slowed in 2020, as resources were shifted to address the COVID-19 pandemic’s socio-economic impacts, this global health crisis emphasised the link between public health, climate and nature, and its strong impulse could be harnessed for building a green economy (as is the case with a global transition to green and circular economy in response to changing climate).

The online international forum helped to identify a low-carbon, greener pathway for Uzbekistan to build forward better, through which strategic investments can be made to decouple economic recovery from increases in GHG emissions. Four expert-led sessions that took place within the framework of the event helped to shape that concept:
-         ‘Building forward better: Green recovery and way forward’: that enabled discussion of the pandemic’s impact on socio-economic development and the formulation of green recovery plans, and the policy and financing tools available to boost efficient use of resources.
-         ‘Identifying gaps and opportunities for green recovery in Uzbekistan’: helped to examine the 2019-2030 green economy strategy in connection with COVID-9 recovery plans, for which UNDP is supporting the Government’s preparation of informed policy solutions, and to exchange views on priorities and best ways to move forward.
-         ‘Deep dive on green financing instruments’: covered existing national and international experience with relevant finance instruments, while identifying factors that reduce risk for green investments, and existing international funds and institutions financing related projects.
-         ‘Enabling environment for the digital transformation in the private sector’: allowed to consider challenges related to legal frameworks, financing, connectivity, and infrastructure, as faced when attempting to fully unlock the potential of the private sector in supporting the digital transformation and green recovery of Uzbekistan.
All four sessions were followed by the panel discussions, and the forum itself closed with an overview of jointly agreed priority actions for Uzbekistan’s green recovery. The forum was attended interested representatives of the national private and public sectors, the media, and members of the broader public and made their voices heard.
The forum recommendations will be gathered and presented to the Government of Uzbekistan to initiate joint consultations and in-depth research of practical steps of transition to a green economy.

Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
