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Videoconference to discuss the inclusion of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the "Global Competitiveness Index"

2021-02-20 | Economics

On February 18 of this year, a video conference among representatives of the World Economic Forum and Deputy Minister of Finance Odilbek Isakov was held to discuss the issue of including the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Global Competitiveness Index.

During the videoconference, representatives of the Ministry of Finance informed participants on the current condition and upcoming plans for working with international ratings and indices.

Along with this, the representatives of the Forum emphasized the efforts of the Republic of Uzbekistan for being included in this index and in fact, the process, as noted earlier, will take 2 years.

At present, Forum specialists are making changes to the methodology for compiling the Global Competitiveness Index. At the same time, the indicators of the index can be changed and the main attention can be paid to studying the legislation of countries in the field of environmental protection and equality.

It was also reported, that in January 2021, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Forum's annual meetings, a new Global Social Mobility Index was announced.

This index assesses the policies and organizations that determine the level of equal access to the fulfillment of the potential of each society member, regardless of the socio-economic and parental background as well as the place of residence of a person.

It should be noted that during the systematic dialogue with the Forum over the past 2 years, the Ministry of Finance is expected to participate in the next meeting of the new strategic initiative "New Views for Eurasia" - a platform for regional negotiations and cooperation, launched in 2020.

Source: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
