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Uzbekistan rose to 67th position in the World Bank's Statistical Capacity Index

2021-02-08 | Economics

In the World Bank's “Statistical Capacity Index”, which assesses the level of development of national statistical systems of countries, with 67.8 points, Uzbekistan took 67th place out of 154 countries.

This index reflects the statistical potential of the country, its achievements and the results of ongoing reforms in the development of the National Statistical System.

For the first time, the Republic of Uzbekistan was assessed by this index in 2016 and took the overall 133rd position with 48.9 points.

The main factors that influenced the increase of Uzbekistan to the 67th place in the "Statistical Capacity Index" at the end of 2020, are:

The Committee's website publishes over 2 million summaries of statistical indicators and metadata in the form of 279 tables in 20 sections. Also, one of the main changes was the introduction of a geoinformation data service on the updated website of the Committee.

On the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) National Summary Data Page (NSDP) of the International Monetary Fund, the publication of 422 types of summaries of macroeconomic, financial and social statistical indicators of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 24 directions has been established.

The State Committee on Statistics together with the United Nations Development Program has developed and launched a website for monitoring the achievement of the national Sustainable Development Goals in Uzbek, Russian and English.

Currently, the Open Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan contains over 10 thousand data sets in 3 languages (Uzbek, Russian and English).

According to the Open Data Inspection organization, with 70 open data sources, Uzbekistan ranked 6th in the world.

The official website of the State Committee on Statistics on the evaluation system of the Open Data Institute (ODI) in London received the highest level – "Platinum".

According to the United Nations Electronic Government System for 2020, according to the Open Government Data Index, Uzbekistan is among the 41 countries in the world with the highest indicator (Very High OGDI). In total, 193 countries were assessed in this index, and Uzbekistan scored the highest score.

In the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) rating, the Republic of Uzbekistan scored 63 points and rose to 125 positions in the ranking, taking 44th position in the world and 1st position in Central Asia.

As a result of the work done at the end of 2020, our country received 67.8 points out of 100 possible in the “Statistical Capacity Index” of the World Bank and ranked 67th in the rating.

Uzbekistan rose to 66 positions in the ranking compared to the 2016 report and 15 positions compared to the 2019 report.

Within the framework of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics for 2020-2025, it is planned to gradually improve the indicators of Uzbekistan in the "Statistical Capacity Index" of the World Bank through the implementation of certain measures. It is planned that by 2025 Uzbekistan will enter the top 10 of the rating, gaining 94 points.

Source: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
