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General information on cooperation in the field of pharmaceuticals with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States

2020-12-29 | CIS

In 2019-2020, the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry will work with the Central Asian countries, in particular, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan to speed up the process of registration of pharmaceutical products.

Requests to sign the agreement have been submitted and are currently being considered by the relevant ministries and departments.

Between 2019 and 2020, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency has signed 21 Memorandums and Agreements to establish cooperation with public and private enterprises of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In 2020, negotiations were held with the heads of pharmaceutical companies and international financial institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States on investment projects in 3 meetings and 13 videoconferences.

To date, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Tajikistan, this agreement has been signed by the regulatory authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan and a new market for Uzbek exports has been opened. The agreement is designed to address the time and money and other problems of Uzbek pharmaceutical companies in the supply of products due to the long registration period (180 calendar days) in neighboring countries.

The agreement has created new opportunities for Uzbekistan to export to local businesses. At the same time, the file documents of more than 15 large local manufacturers of drugs, such as Baxtteks-Farm LLC, Dentafil Plyus LLC and Uzgermed-Pharm LLC, which are to be registered on the basis of the agreement, have been submitted to the State Control Service for Healthcare and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Currently, Dentafil Plyus LLC and the administration of the Shymkent Industrial and Economic Zone are launching a project to organize the production of in-bulk drugs and medical devices in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. According to the project, a plot of land has been allocated for construction and preparations are underway for communications.

Agency specialists and local manufacturers organized the participation of local pharmaceutical companies and a demonstration of national products at the national exhibition of products "Made in Uzbekistan" on December 1-2 in Kazan, Russia. In addition, during the participation in the exhibition, meetings were held to further develop cooperation with Russian companies, and several export agreements were signed.

At present, under the auspices of Made in Uzbekistan, CHIRANA ASIA has partnered with a Slovak-Russian-Uzbek joint venture to develop high-tech medical equipment that has no analogues in the country and to replace imports in the field of medicine.

In addition, 3 investment projects in the field of pharmaceuticals have been successfully implemented with the Republic of Belarus.

In particular, in collaboration with the Belarusian company "FreBor" he worked on dialysis lines and dialyzers, in cooperation with the CJSC "BelAseptic" antiseptics and disinfectants, in collaboration with "Belintelmed" and "Cardian" medical equipment.

In addition, in cooperation with the Belarusian joint venture Belfarm LLC, a carbopenem production line is being launched in Tashkent.

Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
