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The Cyber ​​Security Center hosted an online seminar for the staff of the Information and Computing Center

2020-12-23 | The Sphere of Security

Approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No DP-4947 The strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 within the fifth direction entitled “Ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, as well as priority areas in the field of a well-thought-out, mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy" defines ensuring information security and improving the information protection system, timely and adequate counteraction to threats in the information sphere.

On December 16, 2017, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the specialists of the information and computing center of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for cybersecurity of the Ministry of information and security of the Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic “Threats and their solutions“, Izzatilla Ergashev, the leading specialist of the interagency cooperation department and Farxod Abdusalyamov, the Chief Specialist of the “Coordination Department of State and economic bodies “on the topic” cybersecurity key concepts and cyberattacks to critical information infrastructure”, held a seminar on online videoconference with the participation of the speakers.

In this seminar, the participants of the information and computing center of the Ministry of Finance received information about information security, threats to IT, types of information protection, internal and external threats, the issues ahead of today's information security, the problem and the work carried out to prevent them and the future plans. Also, the speakers gave detailed answers to the questions of interest to the audience on the topic.



Source: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
