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The 61st meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held

2020-12-19 | CIS

On December 18, the 61st meeting of the Council of Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS was held via videoconference.

For information: The Council determines the directions of cooperation in the field of statistics within the framework of the Commonwealth; discusses and makes decisions on the most important issues of interaction on statistical issues; approves the work program of the CIS Statistical Committee, creates relevant bodies and commissions to consider issues of statistical methodology, approves regulatory documents and regulations on them; interacts with international organizations. Since 2018, the Republic of Uzbekistan has become a full member of the CIS Statistical Committee and regularly takes part in the work of the Council of Heads.

This year, the heads of the statistical services of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will discuss a wide range of issues on the agenda, which includes:

 - preparation and conduct of the 2020 round of population censuses in the CIS;

 - the program of international comparisons based on the purchasing power parity of currencies in the CIS region: the results of the International Comparison Program (ICP) of the CIS 2017 and implementation of the program in 2021

- preparation of the Russian-language version of the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP 2018);

- aspects of the work of the CIS statistical services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and many others.

The meeting is attended by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics - Bakhodir Abdusalomovich Begalov.

In his speech, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee noted: “The Republic of Uzbekistan is actively preparing for the first general population census in the last 30 years. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP - 5655 dated February 5, 2019 “On approval of the Concept of conducting a population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022”, it was supposed to take place from November 1 to 25, 2022, and a pilot census in November 2021. Considering that this is the first census in the country over the years of independence, as well as in order to thoroughly prepare for the population census in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 710 of November 11, 2020 “On measures to organize and conduct the population census of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023 year” the deadline for its holding is 2023.

Today, preparatory work on the census is underway at the republican and territorial levels, a package of necessary instructive and methodological materials is being developed, and cartographic material is being prepared to ensure the completeness of population registration and the quality of the census results. International organizations, including the CIS Statistical Committee, provide assistance in the preparation of the population census of the Republic of Uzbekistan. " and expressed gratitude to the meeting participants.

Following the meeting of the Council of Heads, fundamental decisions were made that will determine the work of the CIS statistical services in the new conditions of the pandemic, the Program of Work of the CIS Statistical Committee for 2021, plans for the upcoming Global Program of International Comparisons in 2021, preparation and conduct of the population census round will be approved 2020 in the CIS member states.

Source: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
