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The state of judicial acts’ execution analyzed, new tasks defined

2020-11-18 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has chaired a videoconference on measures to improve the system of the execution of judicial acts.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has chaired a videoconference on measures to improve the system of the execution of judicial acts.

Court decisions are legal basis for ensuring legality and compensation for damages. In the first 10 months of this year, Compulsory Enforcement Bureau under the Prosecutor General's Office received about 4 million enforcement documents, 1.2 million of which remain unfulfilled. In other words, the execution of acts requiring the penalties of 17 trillion UZS is not ensured. Of these, 7.2 trillion UZS are subject to collection in favor of the state, and another 9.7 trillion in favor of individuals and legal entities. Collecting these funds will become an important factor in improving the financial situation of entrepreneurs, supporting low-income citizens and solving many social problems.

The state of the execution of judicial acts on the example of districts and cities was considered at the meeting. The organization of separate debt reduction mechanisms is defined at the republican, regional and district levels.

In particular, Compulsory Enforcement Bureau will be engaged in collecting debts that exceed 20 billion UZS. The territorial offices of the Bureau will work on funds in the amount of 10 to 20 billion.

Heads of district and city departments of CEB together with hokims and heads of sectors will form lists of debtors who are in a difficult situation and will provide them assistance. To this end, court powers to decide on the suspension of enforcement proceedings at the request of claimant will be transferred to state executors.

In addition, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Business Ombudsman will be granted the right to apply for a delay or payment of part of the debt of economic entities within the framework of executive documents providing for penalties in favor of the state.

The issue of suspending proceedings on enforcement documents due to the lack of property of debtor was under discussion. In this regard, it is necessary to create a single electronic platform for debtors with integration of databases of notaries, banks, tax authorities, public service centers, internal affairs, customs, cadastral and other agencies.

Compulsory execution issues are not a priority for the regions now. In this regard, a procedure will be introduced in which part of the collected funds will be transferred to the funds for “Iron”, “Youth” and “Women” Notebooks.

Special attention was paid to the issue of workload of state executors. It was noted that the number of documents per executors exceeds the established standards in many regions.

For example, the execution of 8 categories of documents, such as registration of property rights, reinstatement and recovery of wages, payment of fines and utility bills, can be provided without coercive measures. Currently, CEB has 1.6 million such enforcement documents in production, which is 35 percent of the total number of cases. 60 percent of enforcement documents relate to the recovery of amounts up to 400 thousand UZS.

In this regard, responsible persons were instructed to introduce a simplified procedure for the execution of judicial acts, organize special departments in CEB structure that will collect small amounts using information technology. The importance of retraining state executors based on advanced techniques was noted.

The need for a complete review of the system for sale of confiscated property, integration of lots of “E-ijro auksion” platform with other electronic trading platforms was emphasized.

According to the analysis, about 64 percent of citizens’ complaints relate to alimony. The lack of a unified accounting of enforcement proceedings and payments leads to many misunderstandings. As a result, the task is set to create a complete register of alimony recipients and payers, and implement an automated control system.

Since August 1, 2020, the power to collect debts for electricity and natural gas, together with the staff, has been transferred to electric and gas supply enterprises. It was noted that the accounts receivable of electricity suppliers is 3.5 trillion UZS, gas – 11 trillion UZS. In this regard, the need was noted for systemic work to reduce it.

Republican Council, headed by Prosecutor General, will be formed to improve the efficiency of the execution of judicial acts, and regional councils will be chaired by regional hokims, and deputy chairmen by regional prosecutors.

Preparations at places for winter season was critically considered at the meeting.

Responsible persons provided information on the discussed issues.

Source: UzA
