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A meeting with representatives of the Russian Government led by the Deputy Prime Minister A. Overchuk

2020-09-15 | Economics

On 15 September this year, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Jamshid Kuchkarov, a meeting with representatives of the Russian Government, led by Deputy Prime Minister -  Alexei Overchuk.

Minister of Finance - Timur Ishmetov, Minister of Employment and Labour Relations - Nozim Husanov, Chairman of the State Tax Committee - Sherzod Kudbiev, Director of the Agency «Uzstandard» Dilshod Sattarov, as well as senior officials of other ministries and departments participated in the extended meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Alexei Overchuk, stressed the importance of a mutually beneficial strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.

The meeting included discussions on a number of projects within the framework of regional cooperation. In particular, the parties considered the implementation of action plan to improve tax and customs administration.

For reference: To date, the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation have signed an agreement on the provision of free technical assistance to Uzbekistan for the development of tax administration, including improving property taxation and establishing a system of working with taxpayers (2019-2020).

As part of the agreement implementation, following activities were carried out:

1. Electronic Invoice Business Process Optimization and VAT Administration.

2. Concept for improving the taxation of  real estate in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Concept for organizing work with taxpayers in the tax authorities of Uzbekistan.

4. Development of a concept on effective interaction of tax authorities with taxpayers.

5. Development of a corporate style of the tax authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Concept of Corporate Style of Tax Authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been developed and presented.

In the framework of continuing cooperation with the FTS, phase II of cooperation has been developed:

a) Development of software applications that ensure integration with modern technologies:

b) Organization and delivery of training programmes for technical staff;

c) Supporting the processes of pilot operation that ensure applied software implementation;

d) Development and implementation of the Big Data Analytical System;

Cooperation in improving cadastre activities was also discussed. Negotiations are underway with Rosregistry for cooperation for 2020-2021. In view of the continuation of the project to improve the taxation of real estate is being carried out by the Russian Federation FTS, which will also be financed by the Russian side.

Within the framework of the project «Establishment of a system of State cadastral evaluation and determination of the cadastral value of real property, including for taxation purposes in the Republic of Uzbekistan» the following points are planned to be realized with the technical support of the Russian side:

a) Conduct a mass valuation test of real estate;

b) Elaboration of the legal procedure for the registration, registration of rights and the conduct of State cadastral valuation of real property and its approval and follow-up;

c) Development of a unified methodology for State cadastral assessment;

d) Development and validation of software and technical solutions for building automated information systems («State Cadastral Evaluation Data Fund», «Real Estate Market Monitoring», «Cadastral Value Determination»);

e) Development of educational programmes and training of specialists involved in the determination of cadastral values and of cadastral values.

The issue of further customs reforms was raised. With the participation of a Russian expert, a plan was drawn up to reform the customs administration and increase the effectiveness of the activities of the Uzbek State Customs Service between 2020 and 2023, including areas for the development and improvement of customs activities.

During the meeting, it was noted that in collaboration with Russian Federation were working to improve the quality of teaching of Russian language in Uzbekistan. A «reference» programme for the development of the Russian language is being developed. The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education, with the help of experts from the State Russian Language Institute, have begun work on this programme, according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. A.S. Pushkin.

Finally, the parties identified the main areas for further cooperation and agreed on the activities to be undertaken.

Information is being updated

Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
