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Shavkat Mirziyoyev lays flowers at the Memorial Complex “Ode to Fortitude”

2020-05-09 | Politics

Uzbekistan widely celebrates the Day of Memory and Honor and the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in World War II.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev takes part in celebrations in Tashkent.
On May 9, the Head of the state visited Victory Park, created in honor of this glorious date.

People of Uzbekistan made a great contribution to the victory in World War II. But there was no single memorial complex in the country that would most widely reflect this contribution. Last year, the President took the initiative to build a huge park and perpetuate the heroism of our people.

As a result, an architectural concept of the park was developed based on the proposals of the scientific and creative community, the experience of foreign countries. The Head of the state got acquainted with the projects several times. As a result, more than 12 hectares of land was allocated in Almazar district of Tashkent and large-scale construction and decoration activity was carried out.
The Victory Park consists of two parts, each with a separate theme. The first represents participation of Uzbekistan people in the battles, the second – the life of the country in the rear.
The leader of the country first laid flowers at the Memorial Complex “Ode to Fortitude”.

The monument is based on a real event – the history of a mother and her family.

Zulfiya Zakirova from Khanabad village of Tashkent region’s Zangiata district lost all five sons in the Second World War – Isakjon, Ahmadjon, Mamajon, Vahobjon, Yusufjon. Four of her daughters-in-law were widowed and five grandchildren were orphaned. Daughters-in-law followed Zulfiya’s example, remained faithful to their family and never married again.
Last year, on the Day of Memory and Honor, the Head of the state proposed to erect magnificent monument and name it “Ode to Fortitude” in honor of Zulfiya Zakirova, her sons, heroes, and daughters-in-law. This initiative was strongly supported by the general public. Articles and poems were published on this subject, a feature film was created.
Today this magnificent monument stands in the center of the Victory Park.
“This monument is to all mothers in Uzbekistan”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. “The memorial will become a place of pilgrimage for all of our people. Young people, having been here, will understand what values our nation have in their blood and will strive to live, appreciating them”.

Source: UzA
