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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: The flood a bitter lesson for us

2020-05-05 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the videoconference, held on May 5, focused on the ongoing work in the country to combat coronavirus infection, as well as emergencies in Bukhara and Syrdarya regions. 

The Head of the state noted: 

– We all see and witness how humanity is fighting both the coronavirus and the economic crisis.
The number of countries that are gradually softening quarantine measures to overcome the difficult situation is growing.
Glory to the Almighty, today the epidemiological situation in Uzbekistan is stabilizing. With each passing day, there are more recovered people than the infected. As well as people leaving quarantine are more than those in it. As a result, 1454 (66 percent) out of 2204 patients infected with coronavirus have fully recovered.
83 percent of quarantined people have already returned home. Positive dynamics are evident. All necessary measures are being taken to treat 740 patients remaining in hospitals, restore their health and return them to their families.
All this is not easy. To date, we have allocated 2 trillion 250 billion UZS from the Anti-Crisis Fund and $500 million from the funds of international financial institutions.
Today, no one in the world knows how long the pandemic will last. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, we must learn to work and live in a pandemic, in accordance with all requirements.
Now, taking the advantage of the fact that the epidemiological situation has changed for the better, we must gradually weaken the quarantine regime in our economy. These restrictions have a huge negative impact on the economic development and the life of the population.
In this regard, we have taken the first steps to soften the quarantine requirements in order to create convenience for our people, especially farmers and entrepreneurs.

Dear friends!
This year is testing all mankind for strength, including us. Over the past week, our people have faced a series of unexpected trials.
You are well aware of the severe natural disaster that occurred on the night of April 28 in Bukhara region, especially in Alat and Karakul districts. It damaged more than 38 000 homes, as well as 847 social facilities and crops throughout the region. Agriculture, manufacturing, services and infrastructure have also suffered.
We are taking all necessary measures to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. The Government Commission is working around the clock. To date, the roofs of 70 percent of social facilities and 20 percent of homes have been restored. In addition, 5 thousand kilometers of power lines, 1.1 thousand transformers were repaired and power supply was restored for 286 thousand residents. Individual houses are also being repaired.
Unfortunately, the trials did not end there.
As you know, due to the emergency at Sardoba Reservoir in Syrdarya region, about 90 thousand people from 24 makhallas of Sardoba, Oqoltin and Mirzaabad districts were immediately evacuated to safe districts. All of them are provided with basic necessities, food, clothing and other products. The Government Commission is working to eliminate the consequences and investigate the causes of the flood.
All managers assigned to Syrdarya will work in a strengthened mode until all issues related to the restoration and repair of damaged housing, the return of people to their homes, assistance to them in establishing their lives, restoring infrastructure, protecting public health are resolved.
The life of people in these districts should not only be restored to its previous state, but also improved. I think we are obliged to build new houses for them, social facilities, create new jobs.
To date, a number of makhallas have carried out large-scale work on clearing and restoring, as a result of which more than 53 thousand people have returned to their homes or moved to the homes of close relatives.
I repeat, our state and society will not leave anyone without attention in the face of such unexpected disasters.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, as well as the National Guard played an important role in saving lives and evacuating people. Today they are widely involved in emergency recovery work.
Unfortunately, according to currently available data, 4 people have died as a result of the natural disaster, 1 is missing. In particular, two officers of the National Guard were carried away by a strong stream of water during the warning and rescue operations. They sacrificed their lives and saved the lives of hundreds, thousands of people.
I express my deepest condolences to the families and relatives of the victims. The courage of our men will become a model of devotion for all their colleagues and youth, selfless service to the Motherland and our people.
Of course, the calamities in Bukhara and Syrdarya are a trial sent to us by the Almighty. We must survive it steadily, working hard.
I would like to emphasize that despite these difficulties, our people were not confused in the face of trials. You can see on TV how our people are becoming more united, every day, every minute they show kindness, tolerance, great generosity. This is also evidenced by the fact that residents of Syrdarya, Jizzakh and Tashkent regions voluntarily sheltered 81 percent of those evacuated from Sardoba, Oqoltin and Mirzaabad districts.
Other regions, ministries, companies and associations, as well as compatriots, for a short time provided humanitarian aid for Bukhara and Syrdarya, sent building materials, food, clothes, medicines and household products.
I take this opportunity to once again express my sincere gratitude to our generous, charitable and compassionate people.
Our people can be calm, there should be no room for any speculation and rumors. At my request, the law enforcement authorities began an objective, impartial and comprehensive investigation related to the flood incident. I assure you that all those guilty, regardless of who they are and what position they hold, will be held accountable.
This flood was a bitter lesson for us. With the involvement of international experts, we will conduct a deep examination of the entire dam. Only then will we come to a final conclusion.
In addition, on my instructions, all relevant hydropower facilities, dams and hydroelectric power plants that may be subject to erosion due to heavy rains are currently being monitored by relevant government authorities.
Unfortunately, as a result of the disaster in Sardoba, some settlements in the neighboring Maktaaral district of Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also flooded. We with the President of Kazakhstan, respected Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in the spirit of mutual understanding and openness, discussed this issue during a telephone conversation. Yesterday, a delegation led by Akim of Turkestan region Umirzak Shukeyev visited the place and studied the situation in detail.
For a long time, we have lived with the fraternal Kazakh people side by side, we drank water from the same river, we are close as relatives. We always stood shoulder to shoulder and supported each other, both on bright days and during the trials.
We are very sorry that this unexpected technogen disaster caused so many troubles and caused damage not only to our population, but also to our neighbors, our brothers, whose settlements and crops were also damaged.
Our government, relevant ministries and agencies, local khokimiyats, other responsible persons and experts, as well as partners from Kazakhstan, will undoubtedly cooperate closely in combating the consequences of the disaster.
We also expressed our readiness to provide our Kazakhstani brothers with necessary assistance in the aftermath of the disaster.
I am convinced that we will overcome these difficulties together with our people.

Source: UzA
