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Instructions given on restoration work at the reservoir

2020-05-03 | Politics

Joy and sorrows, success and difficulties go hand in hand in life. There have been many such facts in the history of our country. But our people, having experienced a lot, wisely and courageously overcame such situations.

The recent incident in Syrdarya region once again confirmed this truth. Uzbekistan, which is consistently moving along the path of economic development and prosperity, has faced a serious trial. But our steadfast, courageous people show unity and solidarity as always.
This determination turned into a strong wave under the leadership of the Head of the state, who thinks day and night about the welfare of people, peace and tranquility of the country.
The President immediately arrived at the place of incident after the dam burst, supported people, compassion inspired Syrdarya people.
The Head of the state stayed in the region for two days and personally led the work to stabilize the situation. All have united and selflessly working to normalize life in the region.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev today again visited Syrdarya region and directly got acquainted with the repair work on Sardoba Reservoir.
It should be noted that this hydraulic structure was built to supply water to the sown areas of Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions’ 6 districts. Currently, 2 brigades have been formed at the site of the flood, intensive work is underway on the left and right banks of the burst dam. Hundreds of qualified specialists and more than a thousand units of special equipment are involved in this process. Large boulders, concrete blocks and slabs, as well as other building materials, are delivered. A semicircular barrier wall is being erected in front of the dam. All conditions are created for workers, engineers and drivers, they are working around the clock.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev examined the work carried out at the place of incident and gave necessary instructions to responsible leaders and specialists.
It is known that the flood mainly damaged settlements and crops in Sardoba, Oqoltin and Mirzaabad districts of Syrdarya region. As a result of operational measures taken by the Government Commission, more than 60 thousand people have been evacuated from 22 villages in these districts.

Source: UzA
