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Uzbekistan scientists create new device for a hilling machine

2020-04-22 | Economics

Scientists of the Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture have created energy and resource-saving technical device for a hilling machine. It serves to get high results in growing crops.

Cultivation of land before planting cotton seeds is carried out using a spring-tooth harrow attached to a row crop tractor. However, this does not provide full-fledged processing of beds according to their profile. As a result, a soft layer does not appear on the sides of the beds and in the furrows, which ensures the conservation of moisture and weed seedlings are not completely destroyed.
A patent for a new invention of scientists has been obtained. Field tests of the new device have been successfully carried out in farms of Quyichirchiq district of Tashkent region, in Pap and Uychi districts of Namangan region. An industrial version of the device has been created. It qualitatively softens the soil on the sides and on the surface of the bed, completely eliminating weeds, forming a soft layer of earth on their surface. Significant is the fact that fuel consumption is reduced by 1.57 times, the cost of use by 40.8 percent.

