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Official statement: Starting today, people over 65 are not allowed to go outside

2020-04-02 | Healthcare

Head of the State Inspection of Sanitary Epidemiological Supervision under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chief Sanitary Inspector of the country Nurmat Otabekov:

– The number of people registered with a common disease as of 9:00, April 2 reached 187. According to the Scientific Research Institute of Virology, 23 out of 90 patients treated at the clinic of this Institute have signs of pneumonia. This fact is confirmed by x-ray examination results. Five patients’ condition is assessed as severe, two-relatively severe.
We have already reported that the number of patients who have recovered and transferred to rehabilitation centers is 12. We think that such events will continue today. Most importantly, each of us must strictly comply with the requirements of quarantine and stay at home.
Starting today, people over 65 are not allowed to go outside. The exception is going to stores or pharmacies. It is necessary to prevent the spread of the disease and protect each other. We will contribute to prevent the spread of the disease by reducing communication between each other as much as possible.
