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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: doctors’ work and their dedication to profession is a model of courage

2020-03-27 | Politics

On March 26, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on strengthening the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Head of the state again addressed people.
– Today the whole world and humanity are going through difficult times. Coronavirus infection spread to more than 190 countries and became a pandemic. The number of cases exceeded 450 thousand people and 21 thousand died.
Unfortunately, the disease has not spared Uzbekistan. To date, the number of people infected with virus in Uzbekistan is 65.
In this regard, Republican Commission has been formed, headed by the Prime Minister, and Anti-Crisis Fund has been created.
The Fund has been allocated 10 trillion UZS to fight against the pandemic and mitigate its consequences.
Effective measures are being taken throughout the country to prevent the spread of infection. In particular, activities of all educational and religious institutions, as well as movement of international and domestic public transports have been suspended since the first days after the disease was detected.
Crowded places, in particular clothing markets and catering places are temporarily closed.
Employees of all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are provided vacation or moved to remote work.
All medical institutions of the country have been put on a high-security regime, 11 medical institutions, 97 sanatoriums, camps and dormitories have been adapted to the work under quarantine.
In order to prevent the spread and prevention of viral infection, about 80 thousand people are quarantined at home and 12 thousand citizens are in hospitals.
About 100,000 medical workers have been mobilized to fight the pandemic, they are closely supported by khokimiyats, internal affairs agencies, ministries of Defense and Emergency Situations and the National Guard.
At the same time, systematic work is being carried out to return Uzbekistan citizens from abroad. Initially, we carried out an evacuation from China, while efforts are continuing on other countries.
Headquarters have been organized at all Uzbekistan diplomatic missions abroad. Over the past 10 days, 20 charter flights have been carried out. About 4000 Uzbekistan citizens have returned from Russia, Turkey, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Egypt, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Germany, more than 80 000 of our compatriots have returned from neighboring countries, and they have been quarantined in dispensaries, sanatoriums and other medical institutions.
In addition, diplomatic missions are working on attracting rapid tests, medical equipment and humanitarian supplies from Russia, China, Singapore, advanced and experienced experts from leading countries.
It must be clearly understood that indulge in carelessness, reassuring yourself that the number of cases we have will not reach 100 people, is tantamount to betrayal.
Those who think that coronavirus cannot affect them should be deeply aware that they are putting themselves in great danger, not only themselves, but also their parents, children, others, their lives and health.
Measures taken by the state are aimed at minimizing the probability of transmission of the disease and curbing the spread of viral infection.
No matter how advanced medicine is, no matter how much money the state allocates, if people do not follow doctors’ recommendations, comply with the rules of quarantine, all our measures, the work of hundreds of thousands dedicated citizens fighting the pandemic, will be in vain.
Leaders of some regions have never made an appeal to citizens and do not take measures to explain the situation among the population. Corresponding work on local TV channels, newspapers and magazines is not organized at the proper level.
I strongly warn heads of regions, districts and cities, 4 sectors of their personal responsibility for epidemiological welfare. You must work day and night to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and explain to population all the negative consequences of violating the quarantine regime.
I have many complaints about the work of citizens' assemblies. The role of makhalla representatives at places is not felt. Some people in makhallas continue to hold lavish ceremonies and events with participation of many people.
For example, a woman living in Beruni makhalla of Fergana region’s Yazyavan district, returning from Umrah, grossly violating the requirements for home quarantine, held a pompous event the next day, inviting 120 people. As a result, infection was detected in herself and four family members. It is not yet known how many others were infected.
That is why I signed the law passed by the Parliament on strengthening the responsibility for violating quarantine rules. According to it, persons who put the health and life of others at risk under quarantine can now be imprisoned for up to 10 years.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Guard and Sanitary Epidemiological Surveillance Inspectorate must strictly ensure the rule of law and inevitability of punishment.
I am sure that our wise people, who put the health of their family members, children, peace and tranquility in the country above all else, do not want to find themselves in such a situation.
Coronavirus pandemic is a test sent by the Almighty to all mankind. If our people will unite, follow all recommendations and instructions of doctors, will not leave their homes during the quarantine period without vital necessity, will promptly contact doctors at the first signs of the disease, without hiding this fact, we will definitely overcome this disease!
On the “battlefield” in the fight against coronavirus, the first strike is taken by medical workers. It is only fair to recognize one simple truth. If patients are given timely care, they will be cured and released from hospital. But medical workers cannot leave their workplace until the last patient is cured.
Doctors all over the world, including in Uzbekistan, show dedication to their profession, working day and night for the health of our people, parents, and children, which is a model of courage for all of us.
Therefore, recognizing their huge contribution to the protection of life and health of citizens, their dedication, I signed a separate resolution on additional social and financial support for medical workers, employees of sanitary-epidemiological and other services involved in countering the spread of coronavirus infection.
During the period of quarantine, doctors and epidemiologists who are in contact with patients with coronavirus and who carry out activities at the facilities where infected people are placed will be paid monthly incentive payments of 25 million UZS, nurses and laboratory assistants – 15 million UZS, orderlies – 10 million UZS and other employees – 5 million UZS.
In addition, medical workers who have contracted coronavirus while working with infected people will be paid separately 100 million UZS.
On behalf of the entire people of Uzbekistan, I express my immeasurable gratitude to respected doctors, nurses, orderlies who are fighting the pandemic, despite the threat to their lives and health, – says the Head of the state.

Source: UzA
