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Additional tasks defined to promote makhallas and families

2020-03-18 | Politics

On March 18, a videoconference on timely identification and resolution of problems in makhalla and family was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

As is known, activities of the Ministry for Supporting Makhalla and Family were organized by the decree and resolution of the President of February 18 this year.
Tasks of supporting the makhalla and family, crime prevention, reducing unemployment and poverty were discussed at the meeting.
“The Minister and his deputies, khokims of regions, districts and cities should move on to practical affairs and effectiveness. All resources, powers and conditions are provided for this. From now on, there will be real demand from responsible persons for each makhalla”, the Head of the state said.
The need for formation of new experience in targeted work and family support was noted.
The President addressed the issue of divorces and expressed regret that such serious consequences occur for minor household reasons. The leadership of the Ministry, local officials indicated the need for studying and positively resolving the situation in problem families.
It was recommended to organize short-term courses for preparing for family life in makhallas, assign psychologists, reputable representatives of the older generation to them, and hold the Exemplary Family competition.
About 22 thousand women live in difficult living conditions in the country. These are low-income, unemployed, women in need of housing and having a disability, an individual approach is necessary to their problems.
Special attention at the meeting was paid to the issues of improving the lives of such women, creating conditions for them to work and earn income.
An instruction was given on widespread introduction in the regions of the experience begun in Chilanzar district of the city of Tashkent on assisting unemployed but skilled women. The importance of holding a competition of women’s business projects, allocating grants, loans and plots to the winners, organizing at the expense of trust funds and leasing mobile retail outlets, introducing a sales system in large shopping centers and enterprises of products made by socially vulnerable categories of women was noted.
Currently, there are more than 1 million 335 thousand unemployed in the country, over 125 thousand families who have lost their breadwinner. In addition, about 1 million 400 thousand young people went to work abroad. The problem is that most of them do not have a profession.
It was instructed to introduce the experience of “Ishga Markhamat” monocenter in Yashnabad district by organizing similar centers in 30 colleges transferred to the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, as well as in each district of the capital.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev touched upon the issues of improving the architectural appearance and infrastructure of makhallas, conducting spring landscaping works.
It was noted that people are dissatisfied with services for the collection and removal of household waste, in connection with which the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection was tasked to improve this system.
It was noted that 55 percent of human health factors depend on lifestyle and nutrition. Therefore, separate staffing units will be allocated for specialists in the field of proper nutrition, hygiene and physical education in rural and urban polyclinics, medical centers.
It was emphasized that promotion of proper nutrition, healthy lifestyles, the benefits of walking, playing sports should become a nationwide movement.
Special attention was paid to issues of improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in makhallas. The Ministry of Culture, the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment have been instructed to organize libraries, cinema halls, music and art courses in makhallas, to increase reading culture.
“A man whose heart is lit up by art and books will never be capable of evil”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

At the videoconference, issues of crime prevention in makhallas were comprehensively considered.

Last year, the number of crimes decreased by 2,922 cases, but at the same time, an increase in crime was detected in 20 percent of makhallas.
The President noted that each makhalla should have its own “locks and keys” for a peaceful and tranquil life of people.
It was entrusted to take special measures in makhallas with a difficult criminal situation, if necessary, to attract additional forces and funds, including from the local budget.
It was noted that from now on, the National Guard will be responsible for the situation in makhallas along with prevention inspector. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the powers of the guard to identify, detain and take action in relation to offenders. Employees of this structure should carry out autonomous patrols in crowded places. Responsible persons have been instructed to develop appropriate organizational and legal measures.
Heads of ministries and agencies, khokims reported on the issues discussed at the meeting.

Source: UzA
