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National dance art to be further developed

2020-02-05 | Documents

On February 4, 2020, a Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further development of the art of national dance” was adopted.

The importance and role of the art of national dance as an integral part of the centuries-old rich and unique culture in the spiritual growth of our people, development of their artistic and aesthetic views, upbringing the young generation in the spirit of respect for national values and traditions, love and devotion to the Motherland is becoming more and more increasing.
As noted in the document, this, in turn, requires the development of this art in accordance with fundamental changes taking place today in all spheres of our society, the restoration and complete transfer to future generations of various directions and samples of national dance, classical dance schools formed in different regions of the country, as well as strengthening educational and outreach work in this direction.
Bahor Ensemble named after Mukarrama Turgunbayeva, known not only in the country, but also on a global scale, during its nearly 30 years of activity left an indelible mark on development of the art of Uzbek national dance. However, in the first years of independence, the creative activities of Bahor Ensemble were suspended.
Taking this into account, the activities of Bahor State Dance Ensemble named after Mukarrama Turgunboyeva under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the form of a public institution will be organized in order to expand the activities of professional art groups in the art of national dance, identify and educate gifted youth, establish creative laboratories forming a new generation of choreographers and ballet dancers, improve their skills and experience, as well as create and enrich the “golden fund” of Uzbek dance art.
