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Uzbekistan, UNFPA discuss current population issues

2020-01-30 | Politics

On January 29, the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva met with the head of UNFPA Office in Uzbekistan, Yu Yu.

At the meeting, issues of forming a healthy family, ensuring gender equality and elimination of violence against women were discussed.
The head of UNFPA Office noted the achievements of Uzbekistan in reducing the mortality rate among mothers and children and improving the wellbeing of families. He also focused on the success of the country in increasing the socio-political activity of women and their role in public administration, ensuring gender equality, youth policy and achieving sustainable development goals.
A positive assessment was given to census organization in Uzbekistan, introduction of gender statistics. The adoption of the laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men” and “On protection of women from oppression and violence”, implementation of practical work aimed at providing housing for women in need, and provision of targeted loans to ensure their employment were emphasized. UNFPA’s readiness to assist Uzbekistan in these issues was noted.
Following the meeting, the parties agreed on implementation of joint projects to strengthen cooperation in mutually beneficial areas, preparing a gender strategy, protecting mother and child health, census, and formation of a youth parliament.

Saidmurod Rakhimov, UzA

Source: UzA
