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Education will become one of the priority areas

2020-01-24 | Politics

In his Address, the President of the country touches on the most pressing issues to date. In particular, speaking about the education, the Head of the state noted that in order to raise the quality of education to the level of international requirements, a number of measures will be developed. It was noted that 348 basic schools would be identified, and more than 6,000 teachers would increase their qualification. In addition, 340 professional schools, 147 colleges and 143 technical schools will be organized, which will serve the direct development of the system.

The President also noted that huge changes are expected in the higher education system in the future. The coverage of school graduates with higher education will be brought up to at least 25 percent in 2020 and up to 50-60 percent in the future. Most importantly, increased enrollment in higher education should not be achieved through paid-contracted education, the President emphasized. For this, the share of state grants for admission to universities will be doubled. Separate grants for girls will be allocated. These opinions of the Head of the state were followed by stormy applause.

“Education institutions of a completely new type, 4 Presidential and 3 Creative Schools, have started operating. Along with this, 19 new higher education institutions have been established, including 9 branches of well-known foreign universities. In cooperation with leading foreign universities, training has been established for 141 joint educational programs. In 2019, 146 500 students were admitted to higher education institutions in Uzbekistan, which is 2 times more than in 2016.
Private sector is also developing rapidly in the healthcare system, along with state medical institutions. As a result of expansion of medical activities from 50 to 126 types and provision of a number of benefits, 634 private medical institutions were created last year.
At the same time, the work being carried out within the framework of State Programs was noted in the Message. Within the framework of Obod Qishloq (Prosperous village) and Obod Makhalla (Prosperous neighborhood) Programs, large-scale construction and improvement activities were carried out in 479 villages, as well as in 116 urban makhallas.
The number of affordable and comfortable housing, individual houses and apartments in multi-storey buildings totaled 34 700, including 17 100 in rural areas and 17 600 in urban areas, which is almost 3 times more than in 2016. More than 116 billion UZS have been allocated to five thousand low-income families who need to improve their living conditions, including women with disabilities, to pay initial mortgage payments for housing.
Speaking about this issue, the President noted that the reforms are yielding its results.
“The reforms are receiving a worthy assessment from international community. In particular, one of the world's most authoritative publications, the Economist, recognized Uzbekistan as the Country of the Year, the state where reforms were implemented at the fastest pace in 2019. I think you will agree with me that this assessment fills us with a sense of pride, gives us even more strength and inspires us to reach new heights”, says the President.
We will introduce a system of paying high salaries to teachers with pedagogical skills and qualifications who have achieved clear results in their field. It is necessary to improve school curricula based on international best practices, to revise training loads and subjects, and to improve the quality of textbooks and literature.
To prepare for the upcoming international assessment system in 2020, 348 basic schools will be identified, and more than six thousand teachers will be trained. 240 professional schools, 147 colleges and 143 technical schools will be created.

Source: UzA
