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Al-Khwarizmi School to raise successors

2019-12-27 | Politics

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the very beginning of his activity as President, noted the existence of a problem of modern personnel in the country. Soon large-scale reforms aimed at in-depth study and solution of this problem, training of highly qualified specialists were launched.

Measures have been taken to develop preschool education, which is the foundation of the education system. Attention to education institutions and teachers has increased. The higher education has undergone major changes. Concepts for development of this sector until 2030 has been adopted.
Specialized schools are created in popular areas for identification and in-depth training of gifted children.
One of them is the school named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, organized in Tashkent by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 14, 2017.
Last year, the Head of the state got acquainted with the construction projects of this education institution, the building of which was recently erected and put into operation.
On December 27, Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the school that specializes in in-depth study of information and communication technologies.
Ample opportunities have been created here for conducting elective classes using innovative techniques. There are special classes of companies Artel, UCell, ZTE and Huawei.
The Head of the state got acquainted with conditions created in classes, their equipment, talked with teachers and students.
“All our work and reforms are for the future of Uzbekistan. Moreover, the foundation of tomorrow is you, the youth. Obviously, you want to become educated, people worthy of the motherland. We will create all conditions for this”, the President said.
Responsible persons were given instructions on changing school construction projects, taking the building of this and other similar education institutions as a model, and improving the quality of education by strengthening the methodology.
“The world still admire our ancestor Al-Khwarizmi. The algorithm developed by him is the basis of modern technologies, software products. You should be proud of this, study hard and always be on the lookout just like our great ancestor”, said the Head of the state to youth.
Rooms of robotics and electronics, laboratories of innovative and virtual technologies are organized for students to master the skills of creating mobile and computer programs, independent work.
The President noted the need for creating a branch of an IT Park organized in Mirzo Ulugbek district, to open such centers in other regions of the country, and to create conditions for young people interested in ICT.
“A child who is well versed in information and communication technologies will not waste time in the streets, he will do business. If we raise young people as such experts, then tomorrow they will benefit the family and the state”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
This year, 680 children who successfully passed math and foreign language exams were accepted to study in grades 5-11 of this school. Teachers from the UK, South Korea and India are involved in the teaching staff.

Source: UzA
