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The President notes the possibilities of organizing new enterprises

2019-10-18 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev analyzed the current state of the economy of Surkhandarya region and identified important areas for its development.

It was noted that in addition to the ongoing projects for the region, new investment projects were developed for more than 13 trillion soums, envisaged for implementation in the next two years.

Over the past nine months, the region’s enterprises exported goods worth 125 million USD, the forecast is executed at 104 percent. For further increasing exports, it was entrusted to create a free economic zone in the territory of Termez Cargo Center. This will allow establishing a visa-free stay in the zone, as well as carrying out customs clearance, issuance of a quarantine permission and other services for the export, import and transit of goods on a one-stop basis.

The need was noted for continuing diversification of agriculture, the allocation of 40 thousand hectares of land in Angor, Kyzyryk, Muzrabat, Termez and Sherabad districts of fine-fiber cotton in 2020. The task was given to organize large livestock complexes in clusters based on the available free area.

The fact that in the region, more than 870 thousand pieces of furs are manufactured per year, but there is not a single enterprise for their processing was criticized. Uzcharmsanoat Association, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, and the regional khokimiyat were instructed to organize modern leather and shoe enterprises.

Source: UzA
