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Infant, child and neonatal mortality significantly reduced

2019-10-16 | Healthcare

Tashkent hosts the eighth Congress of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan. Over 60 well-known scientists, leading experts and physicians from Russia, the U.S., Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other foreign countries are attending the event.

At the congress, in accordance with the Concept of Development of the Healthcare System in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2025, problems of a regional scale were discussed, special attention was paid to an action plan on eliminating them, improving the quality of medical care for children in the regions, the main trends in development of pediatric services in the country, prospects and identifying ways to achieve them, new innovative technologies and their widespread implementation.

Within the framework of implementation of this concept, a number of very important normative-legal documents have been adopted on the birth of healthy children, formation of their health, provision of medical and social assistance to children suffering from rare and other genetic diseases.

At the event, opinions are being expressed on provision of medical care to children, the wide practical use of methods of prevention, diagnosis and modern treatment of diseases.

Mokhigul Kosimova, UzA

Source: UzA
