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Uzbekistan, Turkey define priority areas of cooperation

2019-09-25 | Economics

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan organized Uzbekistan – Turkey business forum during the visit of the delegation led by the President of the Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association MUSIAD (Turkey), Abdurrahman Kaan.

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan A. Ikramov, President of MUSIAD A. Kaan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Uzbekistan Mehmet Süreyya Er and others noted that this meeting is an opportunity to discuss prospects for developing bilateral cooperation.
Uzbekistan is interested in expanding exports of textile, chemical, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, electrical, leather and footwear, agricultural products to the Turkish market.
At the business forum, it was noted that implementation of joint investment projects in the country with participation of leading Turkish companies, the organization of production of high value-added products based on deep processing of mineral and raw materials in free economic and small industrial zones will be further stimulated.
Issues of implementation of joint projects with participation of Turkey’s investments within the framework of programs on development of domestic tourism infrastructure were discussed at the event. Both Uzbekistan and Turkey have enormous tourism potential. Its rational use will bring huge economic profits.
At the business forum, the economic and investment potential of both countries was demonstrated, new areas of cooperation were identified. B2B meetings were held. Further trade and economic cooperation, in particular the expansion of partnership between enterprises was discussed.
Nurillo Nasriyev, UzA

Source: UzA
