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Candid dialogue with Karakalpakstan representatives

2019-08-20 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has held a meeting with public figures of Karakalpakstan at a culture center in Muinak district.

The head of state congratulated the audience on the upcoming Independence Day and conveyed earnest words of respect to the people of Karakalpakstan.

“We have started a great cause. We are carrying out in-depth reforms sought to enquire into the concerns of each region, find a way to the soul of every person, and sow the seeds of hope. People should live well not tomorrow, not in the distant future, but today,” the President insisted.

The results of this policy are clearly visible in Karakalpakstan.

Talks about improving the life of the Aral Sea population have been going on for half a century now. But real actions for the good of the region began in the last two years.

At the initiative of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a multi-partner Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region was created under the auspices of the UN. The Aral Sea International Innovation Center under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Aral Innovation Support Fund were organized. On the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, protective greenery are planted, small ponds are created in the Amu Darya Delta.

In accordance with the 28 February 2017 decree of the head of state, a number of measures were taken to galvanize socio-economic development and ensure employment of the population in Muinak district.

A government program was adopted to execute the tasks set by the President during his visit to Muinak on November 15 last year. In the district center, a public services center, an amphitheater, a swimming pool, a gym, a school of music and art, a medical institution and other facilities have been erected. 20 multi-storey buildings are under construction.

During a candid dialogue, representatives of the city of Nukus and districts of Karakalpakstan expressed satisfaction with the changes in Muinak and spoke about the problems and issues in their localities that require attention. Responsible officials were given instructions to address these shortcomings.

“There’s no need to boast with gigantic buildings, modern technologies. To be able to bring up educated, dedicated children who will serve the Motherland is our greatest wealth and happiness,” the President stressed.
