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School of courage and source of pride

2019-05-09 | Politics

The festive event occasioned to the Day of Memory and Honor has taken place in the Tashkent Botanical Garden.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in the celebrations.

The head of state warmly welcomed each veteran of the war and labor front who came to the event, wished them robust health and longer life. Veterans cited prayers with wishes of peace and harmony in the country, of well-being to our people.

The garden has housed artistic compositions and installations reminiscent of the Second World War. Trains and military equipment of those times are masterly exhibited here.

Spectators were offered a costume reconstruction act dedicated to the deeds of bravery by the division under the command of the celebrated Uzbek general Sobir Rahimov. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev watched the performance alongside the veterans.

More than 1.5 million citizens from Uzbekistan participated in the most devastating war in the history of mankind. In those years, our people worked tirelessly and supplied military equipment, clothing and foodstuffs to the battlefront, and received about 1 million people from the areas of hostilities, sometimes sharing with them the last piece of bread.

The generosity and care of our people, the significant contribution to the victory over fascism is acknowledged by the whole world.

The festive event was attended by war and labor veterans who arrived from the Republic of Karakalpakstan and other regions.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated the veterans and all our people on the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th anniversary of the Victory.

“Thousands of our compatriots, together with representatives of other lands, showed genuine heroism in that terrible war. For 74 years, their great achievement constitutes a school of courage for all of us, a source of pride, and it will always be so,” the head of state insisted.

The President stressed that special attention and care for war and labor veterans, representatives of the older generation is a priority government policy in Uzbekistan.

“We owe them indefinitely for the current peaceful and free life, for the happiness and welfare of our children. Honoring these people who are dear to us and taking care of them, delivering all the conditions for their health, a happy and decent life is the sacred duty of every one of us, and first of all – the officials at all levels,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated.

These features were reflected in the 23 April 2019 presidential resolution defining measures for the preparation and organization of events dedicated to the Day of Memory and Honor. In accordance with the document, material and moral support has been provided to participants of the Second World War and veterans of the labor front, members of families of military servicemen and law enforcement officers who died while on duty. Cultural and enlightenment events were held under the mottos “Honoring the memory of ancestors is a revered value”, “Attention and care are a human duty”. The efforts on this front continue.

Participants of today’s festive event have been offered songs and music performed by the Central Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, folklore groups, pop artists.

Similar festivities are taking place across the entire country.
