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Shavkat Mirziyoyev defines the fulcrum for economic growth

2019-04-30 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the activities of Yangiobod Invest Service private enterprise in Muzrabat district.

Poultry is a source of dietary meat and eggs, which has an important place in the daily diet of the population. Many poultry farms are organized at places for ensuring the abundance and availability of these products.
A new poultry complex in Muzrabat district has recently started its activities. 7 chicken coops, 2 chickeries and an administrative building were built on the territory of the complex with an area of 10 hectares. Harvesting feed on 220 hectares is established. As a result, it created the opportunity to contain 500 thousand hens and 1 million 735 thousand chickens. 150 people are employed. A refrigerated warehouse with a capacity of 1 thousand tons will be commissioned soon.
In the future, it is planned to produce chicken sausages and other food products, feather pillows and blankets.
The Head of the state instructed to expand the activities of the enterprise, to build such complexes in other districts of the region.
The enterprise plans to implement a project on production of biogas and bio-fertilizers in cooperation with Chinese specialists. As a result, the complex will be able to provide itself with gas, an additional 50 jobs will be created.
Presentation of agricultural projects for cultivation and export of early-ripe products, the effective use of household land and others took place.
The President paid special attention to the ongoing work on development of gardening. 400 thousand households of Surkhandarya region have 48 thousand hectares of land at their disposal. This year, 644 thousand tons of various agricultural products have been received from the first harvest. Up to three harvests per year can be collected in climatic conditions of the region through the creation of small greenhouses.
For example, potato export has been established this year for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan. Over 270 thousand tons of this product was harvested in Surkhandarya region, of which it is planned to export 100 thousand tons.
– Gardening is one of the fulcrums for cheaper food, lower inflation. Thanks to it, many people are employed, their incomes increase. A person who effectively uses a household land will not be dependent, will be rich. Necessary system has been created for this, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The Head of the state also got acquainted with the mobile plant for production of feed from barley, oats, wheat and corn presented by Uzbekistan Railways.

Source: UzA
