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Decree of the Government approved the Regulation on the procedure for holding thematic meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the regions.

2019-04-12 | Society

In accordance with the Regulations, retreats are held in the regions to study the effectiveness of reforms carried out in specific areas and areas.

The main areas of the meetings are:
- ensuring the execution of tasks of the Action Strategy, government programs;
- ensuring targeted execution of the budgets of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, districts and cities;
- development of lagging behind in the development of villages districts and cities and more.
Meetings are held on a systematic basis on a quarterly basis. If necessary, retreats can be held in the form of video selector sessions.
Meetings are chaired by the Prime Minister. The President can also chair these meetings.
