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The process of providing public services changes dramatically

2019-03-14 | Politics

After the meeting with the region’s asset, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with activities of Public Services Center in Navoi city.

An electronic queue system is introduced in the center. Citizens are provided with more than a hundred types of public services. It also provides notary services, registration of civil status acts, passports registration, replacement of driver's licenses and others.
A children's playground, cafe, reading area, free access to Wi-Fi have been created in the center for visitors’ convenience. As a result, service recipients can spend their waiting time meaningfully.
Residents of remote villages, citizens who are not able to visit the center will be provided with on-site services. 
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Public Reception Office in the regional center and talked with its employees. He asked about peoples’ appeals.
The Head of the state made recommendations on expanding the list of services for entrepreneurs, particularly on integration of the process related to allocation of land, obtaining a construction permit.
Presentation of projects for development of small business and handicraft in Navoi region was also held. Thus, “Navoi is an entrepreneurs’ region” project will be implemented as an experiment for the first time. The amount of state fee for registration of entrepreneurs in the region will be reduced twice. It is planned to provide preferences in some areas of services, as well as, create a Center for entrepreneurship development and business promotion.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev also visited Navoi city Internal Affairs Department No.3.
The Head of the state was informed about conditions created here, activities on strengthening peace and tranquility in makhallas.
During the conversation with women inspectors, the President noted that they should study women's problems and ease their worries. – If we want to establish justice in society, it is necessary first of all to win women’s trust, protect them. Women’s wellbeing, their views on life form the atmosphere in the family. This is very important in education of children, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
President got acquainted with activities of the Situation Center of Internal Affairs Department, gave recommendations on creation of special software products for ensuring public safety, analysis and prevention of crimes.
Thereupon, the visit of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Navoi region ended.

Source: UzA
