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Current measures for further increasing the yield of grain crops are identified

2019-02-26 | Politics

On February 25, a meeting on the current tasks of systemic organization of growing and storing grain crops, which are important in ensuring the country’s food security was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Last year, despite the abnormally hot and dry weather, especially low water in the southern regions, thanks to selfless work farmers got an average of 45 centners of crop per hectare and procured a total of over 5 million 200 thousand tons of grain.
In the current year, precipitation is observed twice as much as compared to the previous year and 1.3 times more than in previous years. For example, 1 billion cubic meters of water have been accumulated in Tallimarjan reservoir, and two to three times more water in Chimkurgan, Pachkamar and other reservoirs compared to the last year. Sardoba reservoir was commissioned to improve water supply in Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions. This allows to get a lot more grain harvest than in the last year.
It is also important that in 2019, in order to stimulate farmers, the purchase price of one ton of wheat was set at 1 million 200 thousand UZS, or 1.6 times more than in the last year. A mechanism has been introduced to stimulate farmers who have a high yield, providing for the use of a premium to the state procurement price of up to 25 percent, that is, up to 300 thousand UZS per ton of grain. It serves as an important factor in cultivation of a rich harvest.
Moreover, nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers are timely delivered to places. In short, all opportunities have been created for increasing the yield and harvest grain at least 30 percent compared to the last year.
At the meeting, using the example of each region, the state of development of grain crops was critically analyzed and the shortcomings were indicated.
For example, grain development is lagging behind in Mirishkor, Karshi, Guzar, Chirakchi and Kasan districts of Kashkadarya region, Bulungur, Jambay, Pastdargom districts of Samarkand region, Dustlik, Sharaf Rashidov, Zafarabad districts of Jizzakh region, Khavast, Akaltin and Gulistan districts of Syrdarya region. Necessary agrotechnical measures are not performed at the proper level in Tashkent, Namangan and other regions.
At the meeting, instructions were given on eliminating these and other shortcomings, increasing the yield and procurement of additional volume of grain. It was noted that this year is developing quite favorably for grain growing, which requires efficient use and ensuring the abundance and availability of food products.
The nature of our country is a blessing bestowed upon us from above. Grain is one of the main consumer goods. Having grown a rich harvest, we will provide abundance of wheat, cheapness of other food products. This is a very important issue that is directly related to the wellbeing of our people, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The President noted the need for organizing clusters in grain production, based on the cotton clustering experience that justifies itself, gave relevant instructions to responsible leaders and regional khokims.
It was emphasized that both farmers and clusters should pursue economic benefits, receive a crop in excess of the amount specified in the contract and increase revenues.
Grain production is also important for other branches of agriculture. In particular, poultry and fish farms always need feed. From now on, direct contracts will be signed between such farms and farmers for the purchase of a certain part of the grain harvest. In the current period of growing and storing grain, poultry and fish farms can allocate funds for farms and in the future get cheap feed. As the result, high yields of grain crops, the affordability of prices for meat, eggs and other products due to increased production of feed will be achieved. All will benefit from this.
At the meeting, instructions were given on establishment of cooperation between interested farms in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and all regions, fully ensuring the needs of poultry and fish farms in wheat.
It was indicated that the republican working groups for cultivation of grain crops must develop, together with leaders of four sectors of the regions and districts, roadmaps on increasing grain yield by at least 30 percent, as well as organize their implementation.
At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to feeding grain crops with nitrogen fertilizers until March 10. The Ministry of Water Resources has been instructed to use water economically, introduce new irrigation technologies. The heads of the sectors at places have been tasked to determine necessary agrotechnical measures in the context of each farm and ensure their consistent implementation.
Information of responsible persons of the sphere, leaders of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions was heard on the issues considered at the meeting.

Source: UzA
