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Jizzakh opens a business incubator

2019-02-12 | Economics

Presentation of a business incubator was held in Jizzakh Free Economic Zone.

The event was organized by the regional khokimiyat and the National Agency for Project Management under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At the event, which was attended by managers and specialists of the Agency, regional khokimiyat, Republican Graduate School of Business and Management named after Abu Raikhan Beruni and entrepreneurs, it was announced that within the framework of the project a business incubator will be opened in Jizzakh on March 1, 2019.
At the presentation, participants were provided with detailed information about its goals and objectives.
Business incubator has not been yet officially opened, but entrepreneurs can already apply to administration of the Agency's representative office in Jizzakh. They can also contact via messengers and social media pages.

Toshkul Beknazarov, UzA
