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New stage in Aral’s life begins

2019-01-30 | Ecology

On these days, activities are being carried out on laying green zones in the dried bed of the Aral Sea. Specialists are engaged in laying the beds and sowing saxaul seeds with the help of more than 500 units of equipment and aviation.

To date, beds on more than 440 thousand hectares have been laid on the dried part of the Aral Sea bottom. More than 614 tons of saxaul seeds are sown on more than 162 thousand hectares. At the same time, sowing was carried out with the help of aviation on 98 thousand 400 hectares.
It should be noted that on instructions of the Head of the state, issues are being addressed in a comprehensive manner on eliminating consequences of the Aral Sea tragedy, stabilizing the environment in the Aral Sea region, improving the quality and standard of living of the population, introducing and developing new economic forms in this area.
Last week, water was withdrawn in the first well, located 200 kilometers northeast of Muynak, on Shagal area in the eastern part of the former Barsakelmes island.
The solemn event dedicated to the water withdrawal was attended by the heads of relevant ministries and agencies, residents of Muynak and volunteers working in the dehydrated part of the Aral Sea.
Speakers noted that this historic event will open up new horizons and provide new opportunities for eliminating the Aral Sea tragedy, improving socio-economic situation of the territory, solving problems related to water and the environment.
Withdrawal of water from the bottom of the Aral Sea means the beginning of a new life. First of all, activity will be accelerated on eliminating consequences of the environmental crisis in the Aral Sea region. Favorable environment will be created for cultivation of soil-resistant plants and fodder crops. Endless opportunities and conditions will be created for establishment and development of animal husbandry.
A rich world of flora and fauna will be formed on the territory of the Aral Sea, biodiversity will significantly increase. This will certainly serve as an impetus for development of ecotourism on a new basis.
Two more wells are being drilled today next to the new well, in general, according to the decree of the Head of the state, 50 wells will be dug and put into operation in the Aral Sea region before April 1 this year.
And that is not all. The President gave instructions to relevant organizations to restore the wells that had been dug and operated in the past century, but which had become unusable.

Photos by Maksad Khabibullayev, UzA
