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Samarkand – international diplomacy center

2018-11-20 | Politics

On November 22-23, Samarkand will host Asian Forum on Human Rights.

The city is actively preparing for this international event, organized on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan in connection with the 70th Anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Located at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, the ancient and eternal Samarkand has long been an open city for dialogue between people of different nationalities, religions, cultures and languages, serving as a model of mutual agreement, effective cooperation and generosity.
In addition to scientific, cultural and economic, Samarkand was also an international diplomatic center. Wall paintings depicting the ceremony of receiving ambassadors found in the ancient settlement of Afrosiab, establishing friendly relations by Sahibkiran Amir Temur not only with Asian countries, but also Europe, maintaining active foreign policy show that several centuries ago Samarkand was the center of world politics.
Holding the Asian Forum on Human Rights in the city of Samarkand will have historical significance.

G.Khasanov, UzA
